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BOK arena looks like a roll of cheap duct tape.

Started by cs6000, July 06, 2008, 05:19:23 PM

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The car was trying to find a check cashing place...


Originally posted by rwarn17588

Originally posted by breitee

Originally posted by cs6000

I see the arena regularly, and have always thought the metallic exterior looked shabby and unfinished. I kept thinking something would be peeled off, and presto!

Now they have the signs up, etc, it looks like this is it. The glass does look nice, but the rest looks like a weathered old airstream trailer. As I drove by on the inner-dispersal loop today, it hit me. Duct tape. The thing looks like it is covered with duct tape.

I doubt it really matters, but I am kinda shocked at how bad the thing looks, and its brand new. Anyone else feel the same?

See, I wasn't the only one!

OK, so that makes two people in a minority that you can see only under a microscope.


You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig.


I like the design. My biggest complaint right now is how dirty it looks close up.

Here is a zoomed in look of a picture I took:

That section is directly below the "BOK Center" on the front of the arena. There are a lot of brown spots all over the arena. I don't think there was any recent rain when I took this picture, either.


There are a dozen different reasons for that not including normal weathering and construction dirt and machining dust. If you will notice, the side NOT over a pile of dirt looks like this:


Everyone with an SS refrigerator, imagine that photo after the first couple of brillo scrubbings to get the tagging off.


If they use steel wool to get tagging off, then they should be made to pay for the damages.  With stainless steel you can use chemicals to dissolve the paint and not hurt the steel.  Or pressure washers.

For that matter, if you have a SS appliance and use a scratch pad on it... I have to question your intelligence.

Seriously wrinkle, what would you have proposed?  Brick is boring. Concrete tilt-ups are ultra cheap and usually look like crap.  The only viable alternative would have been some kind of art-deco throwback - which would have been in danger of being cheese.   What alternative did you/would you suggest?

I trust you wouldn't want a $150,000,000 new structure to be as innocuous as our convention center.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

If they use steel wool to get tagging off, then they should be made to pay for the damages.  With stainless steel you can use chemicals to dissolve the paint and not hurt the steel.  Or pressure washers.

For that matter, if you have a SS appliance and use a scratch pad on it... I have to question your intelligence.

Seriously wrinkle, what would you have proposed?  Brick is boring. Concrete tilt-ups are ultra cheap and usually look like crap.  The only viable alternative would have been some kind of art-deco throwback - which would have been in danger of being cheese.   What alternative did you/would you suggest?

I trust you wouldn't want a $150,000,000 new structure to be as innocuous as our convention center.

I love ss. But, bringing it to grade at the service entrance area is asking for it.

Leaving cleanup to PW maintenance department means sandpaper will be tried first before brillo.

Eventually, these lower panels will be painted. I'm betting by the end of year two.


I think it looks stunning, IMHO.
And please excuse the pun, but nice "out of the box" thinking.  I apologize if that's been used before.[:D]


I like it!  Think it looks great.  Ultra modern.

I have also come to the conclusion that I like anything that Inteller dislikes.  It's like he's the Bizzaro me! [:D]

Show me a movement that doesn't hate somebody and I will join it at once. – Robert Anton Wilson

When attacked by a mob of clowns, always go for the juggler.


Ok, I'm back to clarify my initial remarks some. The routes I take around downtown usually expose me to shots of the north and west sides of the center, which don't offer the most impressive views of the facility. (no slaps at the north or west sides of the city, either, like them both.)
Anyway, I made an effort to really look the baby over this week. All in all, from up close,it is beautiful. I admit it. I'm proud of its appearance.
I stand by the fact that from the NW inner dispesal loop, it does look like duct tape. Those stains around the seems on the north side could still use some type of cleaning, too.
I should have TM'ed the Duct Tape comment, have seen it over at the Tulsa World now.


I always thought stainless steel cinnamon roll.  [:D]


Originally posted by cs6000

Ok, I'm back to clarify my initial remarks some. The routes I take around downtown usually expose me to shots of the north and west sides of the center, which don't offer the most impressive views of the facility. (no slaps at the north or west sides of the city, either, like them both.)
Anyway, I made an effort to really look the baby over this week. All in all, from up close,it is beautiful. I admit it. I'm proud of its appearance.
I stand by the fact that from the NW inner dispesal loop, it does look like duct tape. Those stains around the seems on the north side could still use some type of cleaning, too.
I should have TM'ed the Duct Tape comment, have seen it over at the Tulsa World now.

Nah, it's been used before by a certain Sandite who hates it.  Can't understand why; it's already been explained that this person won't be attending.

Somehow I guess this person's opinion won't matter when it comes time to sell the building out.

It does take some getting used to, and I believe once they get all the landscaping completed and clean it up for the grand opening, it will look much better.

Takes a big person to retract a statement like that after looking at the bigger picture.  You have my respect, that's for sure.


I was initially against the design.  Now that I've seen it inside and out and nearly complete(thanks to TulsaNow tours of the arena and working downtown), I've come to really appreciate it!  In fact, it's one of the buildings I look forward to seeing every day.  I love the way light and clouds are reflected on the surface...and how it's different every day depending on the weather.  I've seen a lot of ugly modern buildings that just look dead.  This puppy is beautifully alive.  

I'm a huge fan.

(Thought the cinnamon roll comment was pretty funny, though!)

tim huntzinger

We will probably end up using freaking duct tape on the uglorama by the time it is all said and done.  And what is with those ugly streaks coursing down from the windows? Them modurn art??

On the + side, are the openings of the vortex arranged for solstices?


Um, the numerous outsiders (people who don't live in Tulsa) I know actually like the design. They think it is unique (in a VERY GOOD way).