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City Council - Driller Vote on July 10

Started by PonderInc, July 07, 2008, 01:35:22 PM

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For $60 million it would be nice to make it even more multi use and add a soccer layout to it.

"Build it and they will come"


Originally posted by SXSW

HOK has already done conceptual design for the stadium so I would guess they would get the go ahead to start schematic design now that it's passed.  If that is so then we should expect a contractor to be selected after design development drawings are finished sometime this fall/winter and construction to start soon after.  With the way the city works though I'd be surprised to see anything really start before spring or even next summer.  I do hope they use that master plan and enforce urban design requirements in the area.  I would also hope the new district around the ballpark will be getting new lighting, sidewalks, street trees, etc. similar to what they've done in other parts of downtown.

They already bid it out--Manhattan Construction is building the thing.  I think their bid basically included a donation, so they came in cheapest.  Manhattan did a hell of a job on Memorial Stadium for OU; they're defintely capable of building great stadiums.

I'm more concerned about the design.  I realllllly hope HOK brings major local elements into the design and doesn't give us a pre-packaged stadium.  I know they can do that, but it just depends on their team and what directions we give them.  Taylor and Lamson need to be willing to send them back to the drawing board a couple times if they aren't doing it right.

I wouldn't be surprised if Manhattan is moving dirt by the end of the summer.  Their president has been actively involved in this project from early on.


Originally posted by Floyd

Originally posted by SXSW

HOK has already done conceptual design for the stadium so I would guess they would get the go ahead to start schematic design now that it's passed.  If that is so then we should expect a contractor to be selected after design development drawings are finished sometime this fall/winter and construction to start soon after.  With the way the city works though I'd be surprised to see anything really start before spring or even next summer.  I do hope they use that master plan and enforce urban design requirements in the area.  I would also hope the new district around the ballpark will be getting new lighting, sidewalks, street trees, etc. similar to what they've done in other parts of downtown.

They already bid it out--Manhattan Construction is building the thing.  I think their bid basically included a donation, so they came in cheapest.  Manhattan did a hell of a job on Memorial Stadium for OU; they're defintely capable of building great stadiums.

I'm more concerned about the design.  I realllllly hope HOK brings major local elements into the design and doesn't give us a pre-packaged stadium.  I know they can do that, but it just depends on their team and what directions we give them.  Taylor and Lamson need to be willing to send them back to the drawing board a couple times if they aren't doing it right.

I wouldn't be surprised if Manhattan is moving dirt by the end of the summer.  Their president has been actively involved in this project from early on.

Manhattan?  Flintco did the OU stadium project (along with Boone Pickens at OSU), which one are you talking about?  Of course Flintco and Manhattan are partners for the BOk Center.


From the council meeting, Mayor Taylor seemed fairly confident that with it passing, there would be shovels in the ground sometime this fall.


Thought Manhattan did it . . . but I think you're right.  I seem to recall Manhattan signs up around campus for at least some projects . . . oh, looks like it was the College of Journalism next door to the stadium.

Anyway, Manhattan is doing this one.
See points 7 and 8:


OK then, question for those in the know:

Whose payroll will the people responsible for the day-to-day operations of the facility (maintenance, infrastructure, electronic/electrical, plumbing etc.) be on? Will the COT partially staff this or are the Drillers responsible for the running, upkeep/repair of their own rental so to speak?
Onward through the fog.


Originally posted by chlfan

OK then, question for those in the know:

Whose payroll will the people responsible for the day-to-day operations of the facility (maintenance, infrastructure, electronic/electrical, plumbing etc.) be on? Will the COT partially staff this or are the Drillers responsible for the running, upkeep/repair of their own rental so to speak?


Double A

Originally posted by SXSW

HOK has already done conceptual design for the stadium so I would guess they would get the go ahead to start schematic design now that it's passed.  If that is so then we should expect a contractor to be selected after design development drawings are finished sometime this fall/winter and construction to start soon after.  With the way the city works though I'd be surprised to see anything really start before spring or even next summer.  I do hope they use that master plan and enforce urban design requirements in the area.  I would also hope the new district around the ballpark will be getting new lighting, sidewalks, street trees, etc. similar to what they've done in other parts of downtown.

According to the information provided last night Manhattan has already been awarded the contract.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


Originally posted by sgrizzle

Originally posted by chlfan

OK then, question for those in the know:

Whose payroll will the people responsible for the day-to-day operations of the facility (maintenance, infrastructure, electronic/electrical, plumbing etc.) be on? Will the COT partially staff this or are the Drillers responsible for the running, upkeep/repair of their own rental so to speak?


I believe you but can you tell me where that's spelled out or where you heard it?

Onward through the fog.


Originally posted by Floyd
They already bid it out--Manhattan Construction is building the thing.  I think their bid basically included a donation, so they came in cheapest.  Manhattan did a hell of a job on Memorial Stadium for OU; they're defintely capable of building great stadiums.

I think Manhattan will do a great job. They do good work. I heard they were selected and then decided to donate a million dollars to the project. I think they really wanted to be part of such an important project.
Power is nothing till you use it.


Originally posted by TURobY

I can't believe I sat there for 5-and-a-half hours!


So, it's true that watching the inner-workings of politics is like watching sausage being made?

Of course, you wouldn't want to say that at the Council meeting:

Henderson: Did someone say sausage?  Where can I get a sausage?
Eagleton: I believe someone said sausage as well.  Perhaps we should delay this vote for a sausage break.  I can't proceed tonight without at least a hot dog.
Westcott: Can we get a legal opinion as to whether we have a right to sausages and or sausage breaks during this meeting?
Attorney: Well, I'd, uh, have to study that.  But there is some precdent that sausage is very good, legally speaking.
Bynum: I'd like to propose a friendly amendment that we got get some sausage right now, and that the city pay for it, but that at the same time, it bares no responsibility for any debt and/or indigestion acquired as a result of said sausage eating.
Henderson: Can you say that again, the part about the sausage?
Bynum: Right . . . that the city bares no responsibility for any debt . . . yadda, yadda, sausage.
Henderson: So you're saying we get sausages?
Bynum: Yes.
Christiansen: The voters in my district also want extra long sausages, as they've suffered for years with small sausages.
Patrick: Hey now . . . my district doesn't even have a grocery store and we really like sausage.
Troyer: I think we're all in agreement that sausages are delicious.  Why don't we just vote on the sausages now and go eat them?
Martinson: I neeed more time to make up my mind.  I don't like how this group does business.  Sausages are great, but we need to make sure about it.  That's what we were elected to do.
Eagleton: Alright, there's a motion  . . . should we get sausages?  I admit I love sausages, but in the spirit of government, I think at this time we should wait to get sausages because it looks like we are taking our job seriously by being deliberately slow.
Westcott: Couldn't have said it better!
Eagleton: But when we get sausages, which we will, I'm first in line.


Was it just me, or did Eagleton seem very smug about his proposed amendments?

I don't really have anything against him, but you could really see him try not to show his disappointment when Henderson shot him down not only once, but twice.


Originally posted by RecycleMichael

Originally posted by Floyd
They already bid it out--Manhattan Construction is building the thing.  I think their bid basically included a donation, so they came in cheapest.  Manhattan did a hell of a job on Memorial Stadium for OU; they're defintely capable of building great stadiums.

I think Manhattan will do a great job. They do good work. I heard they were selected and then decided to donate a million dollars to the project. I think they really wanted to be part of such an important project.

Manhattan and Flintco are pretty much the go-to companies for medium and large construction projects in Oklahoma.  Which is great because both are family-owned companies with deep Oklahoma roots and both are based in Tulsa.  Both are also multi-billion dollar companies with branch offices in many other states (and Manhattan even has one in Mexico City).

Friendly Bear

Originally posted by SXSW

Originally posted by RecycleMichael

Originally posted by Floyd
LeThey already bid it out--Manhattan Construction is building the thing.  I think their bid basically included a donation, so they came in cheapest.  Manhattan did a hell of a job on Memorial Stadium for OU; they're defintely capable of building great stadiums.

I think Manhattan will do a great job. They do good work. I heard they were selected and then decided to donate a million dollars to the project. I think they really wanted to be part of such an important project.

Manhattan and Flintco are pretty much the go-to companies for medium and large construction projects in Oklahoma.  Which is great because both are family-owned companies with deep Oklahoma roots and both are based in Tulsa.  Both are also multi-billion dollar companies with branch offices in many other states (and Manhattan even has one in Mexico City).

And, both receive NO BID contracts from Title 60 Pubic Trusts.

In 1973, Flinto received a NO-BID contract to build the Performing Arts Center.  


In a short 30 years later in 2003, didn't Flint-Rooney receive a NO-BID contract to build the Kaiser BOK Arena?

Tulsa VISION Builders.  

Why compete?  

Divide and Conquer!


What was THEIR cost overrrun?

Only 50%?

What was their cost overrun on the State Capitol Dome?

For 70 years, Oklahomans had NO DOME on our State Capitol?

I ALWAYS felt soooooo inferior to other states that had a dome on their state capitol.

Finally, I can now feel MUCH better now that 100% cost overruns have been delivered to the Tulsa Oligarch Familias.

And, we have a DOME.

Much better.


Old Chrome Dome Gov. Frank Keating arranged a Dome on the state capitol.

I saw it recently, and I was positively:  Inspired.

Lifted up.


P.S. Will Anyone hold the Flint-Skin/Looney Rooney Tune Oligarch Families accountable, because they recycle 1% of their ill-gotten gains to pass new tax initiatives and tax renewals?

HOW pubic spirited!

And, their quality?

A word comes to mind:



Aktuel Scheisse, mein Kamaraden:

Does our City of Tulsa Publik Werkes management know that to criticize their substandard construction is a Career-Ender?

Auf Wiedersen, bubi!  

Good-bye Tulsa.  

Hello Duluth.

Gott bless that Public Spurtedness!

Say, who constructed our Mold Ridden Tulsa City Hall?

Flint-Skins, or Looney-Rooney Tunes?

And, just TODAY, didn't the Manhattan/Rooney Tune Oligarchia Familia receive a NO-BID contract to construct the new Driller Stadium in the 'hood.

A $30 million Drillers baseball stadium for only:

$60 million.

What a DEAL!

I'm thinking of changing religions.

Do I have enough money to take a catachism?


Keep Praying, and old WKW will be someday prayed up from the 7th Circle of Hell.  


I'm SURE of it.

With enough prayer, based on his level of sins, he might make it up to Purgatory in about:

Oh say.....

One Thousand Years.

Let's pray HARDER.

And, keep the Money and the Concrete flowing.

That WILL help.  




Originally posted by SXSW

Originally posted by RecycleMichael

Originally posted by Floyd
They already bid it out--Manhattan Construction is building the thing.  I think their bid basically included a donation, so they came in cheapest.  Manhattan did a hell of a job on Memorial Stadium for OU; they're defintely capable of building great stadiums.

I think Manhattan will do a great job. They do good work. I heard they were selected and then decided to donate a million dollars to the project. I think they really wanted to be part of such an important project.

Manhattan and Flintco are pretty much the go-to companies for medium and large construction projects in Oklahoma.  Which is great because both are family-owned companies with deep Oklahoma roots and both are based in Tulsa.  Both are also multi-billion dollar companies with branch offices in many other states (and Manhattan even has one in Mexico City).

You left out Cowen....