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New Hires at Fox 23

Started by buck, July 07, 2008, 02:00:36 PM

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I know there was a thread about people being laid off at Fox 23, but I noticed they have a few new reporters and a new weekend weather guy
The female reporter is Kaci Christian, she has a professional website with pics and resume at:
She also has a Yahoo webgroup from whe she was an internet radio host a few years back it has some pics of her that are "interesting" it's at"
I believe you have to join to see her pics


Wow, you can read her full resume or just the "synopsis"


The name makes me suspicious...not the Christian last name...I am ok with is the first name Kaci.

Kansas City?  O...K City?
Power is nothing till you use it.


This message was on her Yahoo groups website:
"Please excuse my delay in writing.
I know it's been quite some time.

In the interim, I've transitioned...
this time I've landed in Tulsa, Oklahoma,
in the heart of the lush and verdant
"Green Country" of southeast Oklahoma.
I've been here five weeks now.

There are more details, but "in a nutshell" --

I am part of the news team at KOKI-TV FOX 23
in Tulsa. I'm an investigative reporter in the
station's Solving Problems Unit & will be
filling in on the anchor desk as needed.

The people here seem very friendly and it's
already been quite a learning opportunity,
as I've had the chance to cover a wide range
of stories and meet some very interesting

I've rented a charming little cottage built
in the 1920s and the husband-and-wife landlords
are my next door neighbors!

Hope this finds you doing well. Please let
me know how you're doing and bring me up to
date when you get a chance.



Originally posted by buck

I know there was a thread about people being laid off at Fox 23, but I noticed they have a few new reporters and a new weekend weather guy
The female reporter is Kaci Christian, she has a professional website with pics and resume at:
She also has a Yahoo webgroup from whe she was an internet radio host a few years back it has some pics of her that are "interesting" it's at"
I believe you have to join to see her pics

whoa...this goes beyond butter face...she should pray Fox never goes HD for news.


Here are a couple of her "interesting" pics as well:



That chick is just awful....They should never have let Noelle Newton get away.....


Yay for 'Southeast Oklahoma'!


Originally posted by tulsacyclist

Yay for 'Southeast Oklahoma'!

And all this time I thought I was living in Northwest Arkansas.


Originally posted by buck
"I've been here five weeks now."

She got in before the layoffs.
"Tulsa will lay off police and firemen before we will cut back on unnecessarily wasteful streetlights."  -- March 18, 2009 TulsaNow Forum


Has she figured out where she is yet?
It's hard being a Diamond in a rhinestone world.


You think she'd have looked at a map before she took the job.
Pee-Wee's Playhouse that's a good one didn't think of that.
I actually think she looks kinda hot on the purple circle thing, but the one with with the Jerry Lewis impersonator is kinda creepy.


Originally posted by patric

Originally posted by buck
"I've been here five weeks now."

She got in before the layoffs.

So who among the on-air talent kept their jobs, and who got sacked?


OK...first...DAMN...close ups are NOT her friend.  Second...she was the before the layoffs...she - like most reporters probably aren't paid well.  Anchors are where the money is...not reporters.  
Third, most of the layoffs were behind the scenes long-timers.  As well as...just not filling open positions.  
They have lost some decent talent recently though.  Jace, Justin, Marcus, Noelle, Jon.  Hell they save a bundle if they canned the morning show.  Paul is's the other 2.  Ron was much more believable at sports, and Ann..well can we say "what ever happened to baby jane".  I think she sorta resembles a Chera verion of a fem-bot.  
No new director, no asst new director, rookie reports, crap morning show...I swear...Chera Kimiko carries that place.  Not so different then Phil & Brent carrying KMOD whoa all these long years.

On a side note...did anyone watch the hot dog eating contest on their morning show, I SWEAR i saw one of their crew give the TOWER cam a middle finger salute.
Know her name too...she is so BUSTED.  MWAHHHHH