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Why are Tulsans (and Oklahomans) such pigs?

Started by T-Town Now, July 16, 2008, 01:51:08 PM

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T-Town Now

Why is it that people here in Tulsa can't attend an hour long fireworks display on July 4th without leaving litter all over the place? Veterans Park was a mess the morning of July 5th, despite trash cans placed every 20 feet or so throughout the park.

Yet in Wisconsin, a car show that runs 4 days and brings in over 100,000 people produces almost NO litter?

I drove through Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, and Oklahoma last week and Oklahoma by far was the dirtiest state when it comes to litter and trash next to the road.

What is it about Oklahoma? Do people here have so little pride in their state that they don't care? Or are Oklahomans too ignorant to know any better? Perhaps they're just rude.

We should be embarrassed that our fellow citizens just don't seem to care.


Kind of a random rant.

Was there picnicking and 90,000 people arriving and departing within a 4-hr span at your miraculously clean midwestern car show?

I was at Boulder Park and had to walk about 200 yds to find a trash can to throw away my garbage (once a Scout . . . ).  When I finally found one, it was overflowing and I had to place my trash sack next to the can.

I doubt that Tulsa has a dramatically higher rate of littering than anywhere else.  It's probably just an issue of convenience.  Maybe Tulsa Parks & Recreation Dept. could arrange for more trash cans/trash collectors at large events.


I wish I knew the answer.  I've noticed the same thing.

Most of these mouth-breathers obviously have no pride in themselves, why would they have pride in their City / State or the environment around them?

I'm sure some also think they're simply 'too good' to waddle over to the trash can.

Just the other day I was driving down Riverside and this sh*tty Caprice just dumped 2 fast food sacks out of their window.  I just don't understand...

T-Town Now

Originally posted by Floyd

Kind of a random rant.

Was there picnicking and 90,000 people arriving and departing within a 4-hr span at your miraculously clean midwestern car show?

I was at Boulder Park and had to walk about 200 yds to find a trash can to throw away my garbage (once a Scout . . . ).  When I finally found one, it was overflowing and I had to place my trash sack next to the can.

I doubt that Tulsa has a dramatically higher rate of littering than anywhere else.  It's probably just an issue of convenience.  Maybe Tulsa Parks & Recreation Dept. could arrange for more trash cans/trash collectors at large events.

Yes, there were meals being served constantly.

I don't know what the conditions at Boulder Park were like, but if they had more trash cans at Veterans Park, there wouldn't have been room for people!

If you traveled much at all, you'd know immediately that Tulsa has a much worse problem with litter than other cities. Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Minneapolis/St. Paul...all were much cleaner than Tulsa. It was a dramatic difference.

Try driving a mile anywhere in the city and not finding litter. It can't be done.


I can tell ya this, Ohio is not exactly the Nation's cleanest state, and I'd bet Oklahoma is cleaner than Ohio. I have never noticed Oklahoma to be a dirty state, but then there's alot of things I fail to notice. I know when I lived in Texas they had slogans such as "Don't mess with Texas", "Don't lay that trash on Texas" and other such anti-litter slogans like that. I dunno if Texas still uses those slogans or not...
Proud Global  Warming Deiner! Earth Is Getting Colder NOT Warmer!


Originally posted by grahambino

Just the other day I was driving down Riverside and this sh*tty Caprice just dumped 2 fast food sacks out of their window.  I just don't understand...

You can imagine what their home looks like.


People around here can be really inconsiderate.  I also noticed the litter at Veteran's park -- it was something to see.

It's not just trash.  I think the same thing is true of smokers violating the local law and smoking in front of doorways downtown.

Some people just suck.


I remember when Tulsa had the label as America's Cleanest City. That was when there was a $100 fine (1960's dollars) for littering.

FWIW I think there were a lot of kids in the crowd at Veterans and once the show was over it was dark and the crowds just started moving. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.


The mentality is starting to go towards "it's a city function...they will clean up!"

It's their "God-Given right" to be lazy.  They don't realize/care that everything costs $$.
"Why be part of the 'brain drain' that gets sucked out of Tulsa...The opportunity IS there, you just gotta make it!!"--Eric Marshall


I just got back from north central Wisconsin, also.  One observation: Everyone recycles everything up there.  When we asked about it, they said that recycling is free, but trash service is really expensive.  If the trash haulers notice too many recyclables in your trash, they can refuse to pick it up!!!  I love it!  As a result, everywhere you went (bars, gas stations, public parks, airports, etc) they had three bins: paper, aluminum/metal, and one for "trash."



Originally posted by breitee

Bring back deposit bottles and cans.

+1, that would go a long way.

While I find the sentiment about the clean car show (different crowd, event organizers probably had clean up crews, trash cans were probable in place, not 90,000 people in and out in 4 hours), the sentiment about there being too much trash in Tulsa and Oklahoma is true.  Not sure why, but help fight the good fight, pick up some every now and then.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by Breadburner


Killing me.


What gets me is the lack of recycling.  I see college educated middle class people throwing aluminum cans or plastic bottles in a trash can and I think what planet do these people come from?  Don't they understand that not recycling is no longer acceptable?  Even my own (extended) family doesn't recycle.  After a family event I dig their cans and bottles out of the trash and put it in our recycling bin.

It's like finding out people don't wear shoes or know how to write.