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New Bells Location

Started by Bat Bat, July 22, 2008, 10:55:54 AM

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Don't come to Sand Springs Robbie. We don't want your broken down park and the problems that go with it.


Originally posted by guido911

Originally posted by BierGarten

The fact that a new Bells is being discussed as a good idea makes me sick.  What are you guys thinking?  It is completely backward to me.  Bells has a track record of being a way sub-par amusement park.  WAY sub-par.  Dirty and old and worse.  Why would anyone want that again?

Tulsa, now without the unfortunate piece o' that was Bells, has the opportunity to court a real owner/operator.  It does not seem to me that it would be that hard of a sell, as a nice new Tulsa amusement park would have a quite large north-eastern Oklahoma market all to themselves.  Of course, our city government would actually have to do something other than look for ways to stock downtown full of our tax dollars in order to get such a thing done, so who am I kidding.

Remember that well kept miniature golf course at Bell's? Other than nostalgic value, the place was a mess.

So is dowtown but it keeps being shoved doen our pockets.  
Been to a pocket park lately?


Originally posted by JoeMommaBlake

Here's my idea:

I went to Seattle not long ago and was fascinated by The Seattle Center. For those of you who have never been to the Emerald City, The Seattle Center is home to shopping, park-like attractions, their arena, museums, the space needle, multiple public transit stops, and.... an amusement park.

I'm not suggesting that Tulsa attempt to duplicate the Seattle Center here, but I love the idea of having a deliberate mix of retail, restaurants, amusement park, theaters, etc all in one walkable cluster and in an urban setting. This may get some hard-core TulsaNowers riled up, but I'd really like to see some outlet style stores all grouped in a center. Stores like Nike store, Puma, Virgin Superstore, Barnes and Noble (or just go to would, in many instances, be unique the downtown/midtown area if not to Tulsa altogether.

I think we could create a fine downtown attraction in the East part of downtown or south of the arena towards the BA on Denver.

Bear with me. I know I just suggested that we put box stores in downtown, but if it's as a part of a large, walkable center, I think it can be cool and appealing to visitors to our city and to mid-towners who now travel out south. As long as we don't adulterate the parts of downtown where local business is growing and prevalent, I think some appropriate chains could be great for the area. Some outlet style stores could really create a draw for the area.

Remember that these stores are on 16th Street in Denver, CO. Nobody has accused Denver of selling out and every time I'm there, 16th St. seems like the place to be. It's a nice mix of many different things. We have to start thinking of a downtown that appeals to the metro area, not just mid-towners. Large cities make their livings appealing to the visiting suburbanites as well as to the urbanites.

If you put a revitalized Bells in a center with stores and restaurants, parks and a theatre, along with a cool museum (seattle has a sci-fi museum and an interactive music center as a part of their center.) I think we'd preserve our historic amusement park name, without attracting the thug-holes ( that hung out there. I'd take my family there, ride a ferris wheel, buy some Nike gear, and eat some hot-dogs from street vendors.

You would too.

Also, in Seattle there is a massive fountain...I mean big. It was full of kids playing in it and had steps up from it in the round. Several couples hung out on the steps watching the kids play. It was cool.

JoeM, I think there is room in downtown for both local entrepreneurs (like you) and some sort of big name mix (hopefully not in a big box concept). Since I live downtown I would like to be able to get whatever I need there without driving to a mall, grocery, liquor, movie, etc.

The Cynic

I always thought something like The Kemah Boardwalk (Houston area) would make sense IF they could keep water in the river (aka low-water dams)....they could put it on the south side of the Aquarium/Turnpike in Jenks as part of the River project.

Even though the restaurants are in the Landry's chain (blech), it's actually a pretty nice area.  They'd have to replace the marina aspect with either retail and/or an expanded amusement area.



JoeM, I think there is room in downtown for both local entrepreneurs (like you) and some sort of big name mix (hopefully not in a big box concept). Since I live downtown I would like to be able to get whatever I need there without driving to a mall, grocery, liquor, movie, etc.

So would alot of other Tulsan's all over...
Maybe downtown should be told the same thing North Tulsa is about getting stores [}:)]


This might be in the wrong thread, but I think it's still relevant.  Sally Bell and Randi Miller debated this morning on the radio, and good ole Randi Miller changed her story concerning Bell's once again.

Remember how it was about the supposed 'bad business plan'?

Remember when questioned on whether it was the Fair Board's intention to simply put a parking lot in its place and Miller said, "whoever said that is misinformed"?

Well, now it IS a parking lot and this morning, she said they voted to kick them out because "neighbors had complained about crime," and that she was only concerned of everyone's safety.

Give me a break.  Someone needs to get her a straitjacket.  Oh, and if it's safety she was worried about, Big Splash should be gone, too, since a) rides collapse, are shut down by the state, then re-opened un-fixed, b)everyone knows all the little kids are selling crack under the slides, and c) it means Loretta Murphy is still out there somewhere.  If that's not endangering public safety, I don't know what is. [;)]

From KOTV,
One of the big issues was the handling of Bell's Amusement Park. Commissioner Miller was on the fair board that decided not to renew the amusement park's lease. One of the reasons, she says is the neighbors in the area had complained about crime.

Sally Bell called the decision disgraceful.

"We had to protect the citizens and made that decision," said Randi Miller.

"It was very unfair, it was done behind closed doors, and it was an outrageous and blatant abuse of power,' said Sally Bell.

Can't Randi get her stories and excuses straightened out? Or maybe she just keeps changing her mind.

Randi Miller: The John McCain of Tulsa County.

we vs us

I work with a gentleman who ran one of the rides at Bell's for many many years, and was a good friend of the family. In his words, the question isn't if but when -- and where.  The process is already much farther along than is publicly known, and there're a couple of sites already being looked at, both north of the city.

He also mentioned what Shavethewhales said:  that only a couple of minor pieces have been let go, and that most are in storage waiting their new home.  And even the stuff that was let go can be refound again.

Anyway, he was pretty positive the deal was all but done.


Originally posted by we vs us

I work with a gentleman who ran one of the rides at Bell's for many many years, and was a good friend of the family. In his words, the question isn't if but when -- and where.  The process is already much farther along than is publicly known, and there're a couple of sites already being looked at, both north of the city.

He also mentioned what Shavethewhales said:  that only a couple of minor pieces have been let go, and that most are in storage waiting their new home.  And even the stuff that was let go can be refound again.

Anyway, he was pretty positive the deal was all but done.

I will be sorely disappointed if Bells junks up the beautiful hills and landscape north of town.


Originally posted by dsjeffries

Can't Randi get her stories and excuses straightened out? Or maybe she just keeps changing her mind.

Randi Miller: The John McCain of Tulsa County.

Oh that's right, because Obama has not flip flopped or changed his mind in the past several weeks.
Someone get Hoss a pacifier.


Originally posted by BierGarten

I will be sorely disappointed if Bells junks up the beautiful hills and landscape north of town.

be optimistic!  The guy lost his business, some say ran it into the ground.  Don't you think that could serve as a wake up call?

A nice amusement park would really benefit Tulsa.  If a new park opened in the condition that Bell's closed, I'd be disappointed for sure.  I don't know the Bell's nor their plans - but if it involves getting a new (old) business up and running without government handouts; I wish them the best of luck.
- - - -

Per Miller.  I was the one who spoke to her.  The conversation is recorded here:

Bell's was ousted because:
1. business plan
2. it wasn't her fault, she just went along
3. neighbor complaints about noise and minor crimes (which she admitted there were as many complaints that they were gone)

I'd say as an after thought the noise/crime thing was brought up.  But the primary reason always addressed was the business plan.  But now that it has come to light that she favored Big Splash/their business plan is worse, she has to change her tone.  Certainly the reason at the time was NOT to "protect the citizens."  

And the problem is only made worse by the not-a-parking lot crap.

- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


The Cynic     Posted - 07/23/2008 : 14:17:25 I always thought something like The Kemah Boardwalk (Houston area) would make sense IF they could keep water in the river (aka low-water dams)....they could put it on the south side of the Aquarium/Turnpike in Jenks as part of the River project.

Even though the restaurants are in the Landry's chain (blech), it's actually a pretty nice area. They'd have to replace the marina aspect with either retail and/or an expanded amusement area.

The Kemah Boardwalk looks awesome...but Jenks?
No Thanks. I'd rather see it somewhere along proposed public transit routes and I'd rather see it in an area where visitors to our city will be largely centered - aka downtown.

Of course I'm a homer for downtown, though.

"Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably will not themselves be realized."
- Daniel Burnham


Originally posted by guido911

Remember that well kept miniature golf course at Bell's? Other than nostalgic value, the place was a mess.

How many times does it have to be pointed out that the mini golf course was set to be taken out during Bell's last year to be replaced by a massive new roller coaster? What, did you expect them to renovate the entire thing just to rip it out?

Once again I'm going to point out to the doubters that Bell's simply wasn't that bad of a place for what it was. Sure it had problems with kids, sure it wasn't always freshly painted - it was just a small amusement park. If you didn't care for it than you shouldn't care what happens to it now.
I for one always enjoyed Bell's, even in it's relative downtimes, so the fact that they are coming nearer to me has me giddy. Even if you believe the old park was trashy, you have to admit that the prospects of a brand new park are really great, especially when the operator has 50+ years of experience in this town.


Not long ago, I heard from a seconhand source that Bell family was negotiating for a tract at 145th and Admiral, just south of I-44.  There is a ATT substation on the SE corner.  The old Albertsons whse is on the SW corner.


Originally posted by Shavethewhales

Originally posted by guido911

Remember that well kept miniature golf course at Bell's? Other than nostalgic value, the place was a mess.

How many times does it have to be pointed out that the mini golf course was set to be taken out during Bell's last year to be replaced by a massive new roller coaster? What, did you expect them to renovate the entire thing just to rip it out?

Once again I'm going to point out to the doubters that Bell's simply wasn't that bad of a place for what it was. Sure it had problems with kids, sure it wasn't always freshly painted - it was just a small amusement park. If you didn't care for it than you shouldn't care what happens to it now.
I for one always enjoyed Bell's, even in it's relative downtimes, so the fact that they are coming nearer to me has me giddy. Even if you believe the old park was trashy, you have to admit that the prospects of a brand new park are really great, especially when the operator has 50+ years of experience in this town.


The worst critics are those who have not been in the park for 20 years and could somehow tell it's condition by driving by on 21st St.

It was not in that bad of shape and I had no problem taking my daughters there.  

Amusement parks are incredibly expensive ventures to run.  Insurance is eating up a lot of them and you almost have to do it out of love for the community.  Independent amusement parks are slipping off into history.

As long as the Bell's aren't asking for corporate welfare or Sally Bell doesn't pull unfair strings if elected to commissioner, why would you naysayers care if, where, or when Bell's reopens.  Vote with your wallet and don't go.  
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by Shavethewhales

Originally posted by guido911

Remember that well kept miniature golf course at Bell's? Other than nostalgic value, the place was a mess.

How many times does it have to be pointed out that the mini golf course was set to be taken out during Bell's last year to be replaced by a massive new roller coaster? What, did you expect them to renovate the entire thing just to rip it out?

Once again I'm going to point out to the doubters that Bell's simply wasn't that bad of a place for what it was. Sure it had problems with kids, sure it wasn't always freshly painted - it was just a small amusement park. If you didn't care for it than you shouldn't care what happens to it now.
I for one always enjoyed Bell's, even in it's relative downtimes, so the fact that they are coming nearer to me has me giddy. Even if you believe the old park was trashy, you have to admit that the prospects of a brand new park are really great, especially when the operator has 50+ years of experience in this town.

they were going to put a "Massive" new roller coaster on the foot print of the old mini golf, I would guess there was supposed to be a LOT of verticle in that ride.
It's hard being a Diamond in a rhinestone world.