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New Bells Location

Started by Bat Bat, July 22, 2008, 10:55:54 AM

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^It was going to be built by the same company that built this:
That ride was able to fit inside of about an acre.

Anyone else keen to find out what kind of star attraction Robby will choose to headline the new park? He stated on his last radio interview that he would get a large steel coaster with loops, possibly inverted.


I love it when my wife wear's Bells!![8D]


Originally posted by Aa5drvr

Not long ago, I heard from a seconhand source that Bell family was negotiating for a tract at 145th and Admiral, just south of I-44.  There is a ATT substation on the SE corner.  The old Albertsons whse is on the SW corner.



121st street north and 169 is the new location.


That area would be a good choice.
Power is nothing till you use it.


Yes, I just recently joined tulsanow and came across this topic. I actualy heard from a guy that works with the family that they were going to aim for next July as the opening date. My only problem with that is the safety of the rides. I would think that building an amusement park would require more than one year to build.

dbacks fan

I like both locations, not sure which one I favor more. If you look at the foot print of the old Bell's it was approximately 1000 feet from south to north and 400 feet east to west, which comes out to, without parking area, 10 acres. I think if they can get 20 to 40 acres (40 acres is the size of the land that the old MA HU Mansion sat on), they could build a nice park with parking and not have all the attractions close together. Maybe they could get the sky ride from the fairgrounds for it as well. (I know, wishful thinking on the sky ride.)


Originally posted by we vs us

I work with a gentleman who ran one of the rides at Bell's for many many years, and was a good friend of the family. In his words, the question isn't if but when -- and where.  The process is already much farther along than is publicly known, and there're a couple of sites already being looked at, both north of the city.

He also mentioned what Shavethewhales said:  that only a couple of minor pieces have been let go, and that most are in storage waiting their new home.  And even the stuff that was let go can be refound again.

Anyway, he was pretty positive the deal was all but done.

I'm not certain I'd consider the empty Gunboat lot where all of the Bell's rides are stacked up(13th and Frankfurt) "storage".


If Bells is rebuilt...wherever it is, Tulsans need to support it.

Lots of Tulsans have their opinions...but, then they never go to support after the honeymoon is over.
"Why be part of the 'brain drain' that gets sucked out of Tulsa...The opportunity IS there, you just gotta make it!!"--Eric Marshall


Originally posted by tennisplayur

Yes, I just recently joined tulsanow and came across this topic. I actualy heard from a guy that works with the family that they were going to aim for next July as the opening date. My only problem with that is the safety of the rides. I would think that building an amusement park would require more than one year to build.

Well it's not like they're just going to throw the rides up unsafely [:P] . Hard Rock Park, a massive park, took a little over a year to build, construction-wise. If they're ready to start, weather permits, and they're ready to pay to keep the project moving along fast enough, then a year isn't unreasonable for a park of Bell's size, even with infrastructure.

Will it be Bell's amusement park still though, or will it finally be Boomtown USA?

Tulsa Twister

Originally posted by Shavethewhales

Originally posted by tennisplayur

Yes, I just recently joined tulsanow and came across this topic. I actualy heard from a guy that works with the family that they were going to aim for next July as the opening date. My only problem with that is the safety of the rides. I would think that building an amusement park would require more than one year to build.

Well it's not like they're just going to throw the rides up unsafely [:P] . Hard Rock Park, a massive park, took a little over a year to build, construction-wise. If they're ready to start, weather permits, and they're ready to pay to keep the project moving along fast enough, then a year isn't unreasonable for a park of Bell's size, even with infrastructure.

Will it be Bell's amusement park still though, or will it finally be Boomtown USA?

Boomtown sounds great.........anything with a theme that represents this areas Oil rich history would be magnificent. Or perhaps even a mixture of the old classic Route 66 mixed in with the oil history (perhaps build a large lookout tower (with elevators)in the shape of an old oil derrick that would be centered in the middle of the park. Although i like the idea of having a Tulsa History of Petroleum Museum adjacent to the park.

Whatever and wherever this happens, i think the second time around, it will be better. Robby or someone else will make this next park bigger, better and profitable and become Oklahoma's thrill and amusement capital.


Wow sorry for being so blunt about this subject.


Hey sorry for being so blunt about this subject, I just kinda jumped right into it. Mybad!