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Oklahoma no smoking enforcement

Started by T-Town Now, July 28, 2008, 11:15:18 AM

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T-Town Now

What agency is responsible for enforcing the "No smoking within x feet of door" policy? I have a few people in my office building that habitually stand by the front door to smoke. They do this because they are sheltered from the sun, rain, wind, etc.

I understand their need for shelter, but their actions force people to walk through their smoke. This morning, I was leaving the building and one of the smokers tossed their cigarette butt down on the sidwalk in front of the building, barely missing me when he did it. He apologized, but I've had enough.

The sidewalk and curbs are littered with their discarded butts, and I want someone official to put a stop to it.

Who do I call?


Smokers are the new rejects of the 21st Century.  It's pathetic when last year outside of Memorial Hermann Hospital in The Woodlands, TX, I'd see people in their hospital gowns dragging their IVs outside with them to have a smoke.  What a joke

Heh, pathetic


I have the same problem.  I'm highly allergic to smoke and beyond that I can't stand sharing an elevator with someone who smells of cancer sticks.

Not so long ago, I got on an elevator with a smoker -- I was eating a granola bar for breakfast and she was making fun of my "healthy breakfast."  I had some words for her.

My guess is that TPD has bigger fish to fry than criminal smokers, though it seems like they'd be easy to nab from their office at 6th and Main.  Maybe it will give the horsey cops, who show up on the Main Mall area a couple of times a year for no reason, something to do.

The easiest things you can do are complain to the building manager or just confront the offenders.


Many of you make good points, but keep in mind that smoking is an addiction.

Have any of you ever been addicted to anything?  I'm not talking just the regular vices.  Anything?

Usually the most vehement people speaking out about smokers are reformed former smokers (I'm in that category).  I don't bother people too much if they're smoking, because I know how incredibly difficult it is to quit.  It took me three tries and I finally quit in January of 2007.

So before you spout off to people, remember that at one point, they never smoked.  Some of our vices might be ice cream, might be fast food, some like to smoke pipes (I still do this on occasion because I like the smell of pipe smoke; my ex-wife did too).


Originally posted by okcpulse

Smokers are the new rejects of the 21st Century.  It's pathetic when last year outside of Memorial Hermann Hospital in The Woodlands, TX, I'd see people in their hospital gowns dragging their IVs outside with them to have a smoke.  What a joke

Heh, pathetic

And you've never been addicted to anything?  See my post above.  [:O]


Is the door clearly marked with a no smoking sign? Has another spot been designated for this purpose that is protected from the elements and not too far to reach during a 15 minute break? Has everyone in the building been made aware of the accommodations and the no smoking policy by the entryway?

I'm certain that if there were an alternate, dedicated smoking place that it would be employed. I doubt that the offenders are doing this maliciously, they just don't have anywhere else to go.


Get a big swimming pool "noodle". You know, those long cylinder foam things. Wrap it in inside-out wrapping paper, then tape some brown wrapping tape about the last foot or so. It will look just like a really big cigarette.

Then beat them smokers with it till they move.
Power is nothing till you use it.


Originally posted by Hoss

Many of you make good points, but keep in mind that smoking is an addiction.

Have any of you ever been addicted to anything?  I'm not talking just the regular vices.  Anything?

Usually the most vehement people speaking out about smokers are reformed former smokers (I'm in that category).  I don't bother people too much if they're smoking, because I know how incredibly difficult it is to quit.  It took me three tries and I finally quit in January of 2007.

So before you spout off to people, remember that at one point, they never smoked.  Some of our vices might be ice cream, might be fast food, some like to smoke pipes (I still do this on occasion because I like the smell of pipe smoke; my ex-wife did too).

Hoss, no one said that smoking wasn't addictive.  Everyone knows that people just die for the 200+ carcinogens and nicotine. [;)]

The point is, addiction or not, they should be considerate of other people.  Go ahead and be addicted, but be addicted somewhere else where it won't affect all the non-addicts.

Are drunks allowed to spew liquor on people as they enter or exit buildings? Nope.  
Are chocolate cake addicts allowed to throw cake on people or shove it down their throat as they enter or exit a building? Nope.


I say you buy a used CO2 container ($20).  Paint it with a "DANGER NOS" sign and some skull and crossbones.  Carry it with you conspicuously and act really nervous if you see any flame.

It is people being inconsiderate.  Not sure why they do not realize how rude it is, but many do not.  There are other smokers who take notice of other people and try not to offend them.

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I crush grooves.

T-Town Now

Originally posted by carltonplace

Is the door clearly marked with a no smoking sign? Has another spot been designated for this purpose that is protected from the elements and not too far to reach during a 15 minute break? Has everyone in the building been made aware of the accommodations and the no smoking policy by the entryway?

I'm certain that if there were an alternate, dedicated smoking place that it would be employed. I doubt that the offenders are doing this maliciously, they just don't have anywhere else to go.

Yes, the door is clearly marked with the no smoking sign at eye level, and further the words, "This is a smoke free facility" appear on one of the windows.

I guess I'll just complain to building management and see if they'll address the issue. Having to walk through the discarded butts in not a good first impression for visitors to the building.



Do you whine about smokers when you go to a bar as well?  

Here is the law, maybe you can call the police.   I am sure they would gladly write tickets to keep you from having to endure that brief split second of smelling smoke when you are going in and out of work.


Perfume and cologne can give me more longer lasting observed problems . You think walking past a few smockers is bad. Try riding an elevator next to someone wearing perfume that is too strong and they put extra on[:O]


"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

Brooke Shields (during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign)
Power is nothing till you use it.


Originally posted by RecycleMichael

"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

Brooke Shields (during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign)

So does peanuts and plastic bottles , which deserves more attention?


Ex nicotine addict chiming in, seven months nicotine free-

There is a certain elitist behavior in some smokers who go out of their way to irritate non-smokers.  I've done it myself in the past and I have friends who still do it on a regular basis.  

There is one friend I won't ride with in his car anymore because he feels the need to light up as soon as he's in the vehicle.  Fine, his vehicle, he can do what he wants, but common courtesy would be not to smoke in a confined space with non-smokers.

Smoking and flicking the butts on the ground screams: "I'm a sloppy pig".  Why do smokers expect everyone else to clean up after them?  When I smoked, I at least had the common courtesy to properly pitch my butts.  

Smoking is finally becoming a minority.  Far less harm is put upon smokers by non-smokers than smokers do for everyone else.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan