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Did your latest Cox Cable bill jump up quite a bit

Started by Mike 01Hawk, March 01, 2009, 10:23:51 PM

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Mike 01Hawk

Friggen went up 6.81%!!! ($121.71 to $130.00, an increase of $8.29)

GRRRR... I'm sick of getting bent over by Cox.  Once March Madness is over we're cutting back quite a bit.

Oh and for what it's worth, all we have is internet + expanded basic w/ HD package and DVR... NO premium channels, only ONE box!


Mine went to $98 from $92, I don't have DVR service and don't have a land-line.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by Mike 01Hawk

Friggen went up 6.81%!!! ($121.71 to $130.00, an increase of $8.29)

GRRRR... I'm sick of getting bent over by Cox.  Once March Madness is over we're cutting back quite a bit.

Oh and for what it's worth, all we have is internet + expanded basic w/ HD package and DVR... NO premium channels, only ONE box!

Don't feel bad Mike; Dish and DirectTV are getting a hike as well from what I understand.

Nick Danger

Ours went up $5, and we don't have HD or a land line with them. The increase appears to be in our internet charge.


Yeah.  I think you need to look at each service you have and see how much you are paying for each (looking at the grand total tells you nothing about what happened).  Many of the internet prices are good for one year and then they jump up.  If that is the cause for the increase call Cox, tell them you want the cheap internet price again, they will say sorry that was a special price, tell them you will likely be switching to DSL in that case, they will find a way to get the price back down for you.  I have done this twice now in the last two years.  Good luck.


Mine went up from $114.00 to $122 for Internet, expanded basic and DVR. I called to complain and they reduced it so my bill is $92.00.  They had a rate hike in Feb.


This morning I counted 7 unsecured Wi-Fi networks in my neighborhood.  I have Cox, but my speed has dwindled over the last few months for some reason.

I am seriously considering canceling and just using one of the multitude unsecured networks in my neighborhood as my free internet provider.

It seems that no one knows how to set a WEP code on their wireless routers.  

When attacked by a mob of clowns, always go for the juggler.


I called several months ago and got mine lowered, was unaffected by any increases.


Very odd. My rate remained the same, and I've seen no increase or decrease in speed (I have the top-tier internet).

[edit]Nevermind, I just realized that I hadn't noticed the price increase because we had a couple of OnDemand purchases over the past few months that we hadn't had this month. Thus, I didn't even notice the increase.[/edit]


Mine went up about $10 a month, and I've been with them for years and haven't changed my plan in the last two years.  Sounds like a universal hike.  Sounds like I'll have to try sgrizzle's method.


I was pissed about the changes too..  Like sgrizzle I went from the $45/4 meg plan to a $25/1.5 meg plan.  

I can't tell any difference in speed.

Now if I could could just get something as an alternative to cable.


Does no one remember that Cox has an automatic rate increase every spring?

Look at your bill from a year ago, and the  year before, and before.  If you dont keep your bills, do an archive search on the Whirld's website and it's mentioned every spring for as long as we have had cable in Tulsa.

Occasionally, they have added another increase in the fall, but the spring one is the only regular one.
"Tulsa will lay off police and firemen before we will cut back on unnecessarily wasteful streetlights."  -- March 18, 2009 TulsaNow Forum


I changed my internet with cox from the 1.5 meg to the 9 meg and I am actually getting 14 megs. I live in a older neighborhood with about seven houses on each side of the street. I can only conclude that there are not that many people that have cox internet on my block and so my speed is higher with less amount of people on the net at my hub.
Also Directv has went up 5 dollars as of Wednesday and Dish went up 5 dollars last month.
Changing opinions one mistake at a time.


Yup..rate increase time. I think my bill went up somewhere around $13, what with the jump in prices for the Internet, the cable tiers, and the premiums. Would have been more if I had a Cox DVR or Cox Phone. I'm seriously considering getting rid of all the premiums but HBO.

If DirecTV would ever release the new DirecTiVo, I'd seriously consider switching back to satellite. I could eBay my Series 3 and TiVo HD for more than I paid for them thanks to the upgraded hard drives and lifetime service on the HD.

My friend just canceled everything but expanded basic cable in disgust because of the whole thing. That and they wouldn't let her keep the discount for having the triple-play without keeping a digital cable box she didn't want.
"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration" --Abraham Lincoln


Expanded basic only, up $3.80 to $52.37.
Too pricey.