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Author Topic: Mass Psychosis  (Read 95368 times)
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« Reply #105 on: April 27, 2011, 09:15:03 pm »

If the Clintons couldn't prove Obama isn't qualified by birth to be Prez, it ain't gonna happen.

T-Town Elder
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« Reply #106 on: April 27, 2011, 09:33:01 pm »

Why save me??  Because you know how much more interesting it is here for you and the fun you have with me here and how dull it would be without.  Your mind is made to stretch, grow and think.  You are challenged, and being an engineer, THAT is what you love more than anything!!  (Unless you have become one of those jaded old disillusioned types that is just coasting until you can get out of the hamster wheel?)


"So he brandished a gun, never shot anyone or anything right?"  --TeeDub, 17 Feb 2018.

I don’t share my thoughts because I think it will change the minds of people who think differently.  I share my thoughts to show the people who already think like me that they are not alone.
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« Reply #107 on: April 27, 2011, 10:00:40 pm »

Releasing this document produces nothing of merit.  The people who suspect Obama isn't a citizen aren't people who can be convinced by a single document or by ten or by 100.  There will always be a hair to split, a reason that the single piece of evidence under discussion might be incorrectly labelled, or incorrectly formatted, or on paper made from trees not native to the island, or whatever.  There will never be enough proof to prove Obama is a citizen, because the belief is not about fact.  It's about belief.

Gaspar, you're never going to trust any document he releases.  Regardless of how reliable it is.  You'll always hunt down the miniscule discrepancy that makes it, in your eyes, fatally untrustworthy.  It's not because you believe in the faultiness of the fact; it's that, at heart, you don't believe Obama's in any way shape or form an American like you, and the faultiness of the facts flow from that belief.

I think this is why 37 million Republicans don't believe Obama is a citizen; it's because they don't believe his (purported, mostly imagined) belief system is American. 

For those who don't think of President Obama as "their President" this is their hanging chad, if you will.  This unveiling will simply deepen a conspiracy for those who can't be convinced otherwise.  Sort of like that Supreme Court Dubya paid for.  And for the total moonbats, they chose to release the certificate this week because Obama's ego wouldn't allow for Prince William's wedding to overshadow anything to do with the most important man on earth.  Wink

I have no idea if 37mm is an accurate figure for those still doubting, but it's been stated over and over that his mother was a U.S. citizen.  If he were born outside the U.S. or a U.S. territory, he would at worst, have dual citizenship assuming the mother wouldn't have renounced her citizenship.  I've got several friends born overseas to at least one U.S. citizen who enjoy dual citizenship.  If that little piece of Constitutional logic has whizzed by their temple, perhaps they should be required to take the citizenship exam themselves.


"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
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« Reply #108 on: April 27, 2011, 10:03:48 pm »

But it likely makes Donald 'The Toop' Trump irrelevant now.

Poor calculation by The Donald.  He didn't need the birther issue to get notoriety as a candidate.  Instead it's become a side-show and really made people who have never ascribed to the birther issue wonder if he spent too much time hanging around Bussey.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 10:05:44 pm by Conan71 » Logged

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
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« Reply #109 on: April 27, 2011, 10:05:20 pm »


This won't appease the Teabagger morons Next, they'll say Obama is from another planet, the love child of an unholy union between his mother and an alien father. And the son is working to turn over the reins of power to an alien race that will suck the life out of the US and the planet.

POTUS OBAMA  should have made a deal with Trump: You show us your hairline and I'll show you my long form. Sad

Does anyone know how Clark Kent got a green card?  Tongue

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #110 on: April 27, 2011, 10:09:24 pm »

Trump is channeling Busey!!

Wonder who lost in that deal??

They couldn't pass the citizenship test.  Probably can't read, and absolutely have not read, the Constitution.  I've seen sample tests when a relative-in-law took it a few years ago.  Tough test without taking a class.

Remember that latest darlin' of the Tea Party - Michelle Bachmann?  The one who though the founders had worked soooo hard to end slavery before we could become a country??


I bet they can't even brew tea correctly!!

Clark Kent lied.  His local parent's faked it.  And the cards aren't green.  They are white with a green stripe on the back.


"So he brandished a gun, never shot anyone or anything right?"  --TeeDub, 17 Feb 2018.

I don’t share my thoughts because I think it will change the minds of people who think differently.  I share my thoughts to show the people who already think like me that they are not alone.
Recovering Republican
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« Reply #111 on: April 27, 2011, 10:12:18 pm »

I just knew this was coming:

Some unknown college history professor and an innocuous Miami Herald columnist say it's so, therefore it must be.  Imagine that, two men channelling the supposed psyche of millions of people they don't see eye to eye with politically.

"So what's fueling the dogged questioning of Obama's origins? Many critics of the birther movement say its core tenets--and its stubborn resistance to evidence disproving those beliefs--can be traced to racial hostilities. The fundamental birtherist conviction, these critics say, is that an African-American can't have legitimately won the presidency--and that his elevation to power therefore has to be the result of an elaborate subterfuge.
"There is a real deep-seated and vicious racism at work here in terms of trying to de-legitimate the president," Peniel Joseph, a professor of history at Tufts University, told The Ticket.

"This is more than just a conspiracy," Peniel added. "I think this is fundamentally connected to white supremacism in this country."

Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. in early April called for the connection to be publicly drawn between birthers and racism: "So it is time to call this birther nonsense what it is--not just claptrap, but profoundly racist claptrap."
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 10:14:37 pm by Conan71 » Logged

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #112 on: April 27, 2011, 10:18:58 pm »

After a while, ya gotta wonder if there ain't something to it.  But then, the same thing went on with Billy Bob for his entire term.

And Limbaugh/Hannity wonder why the Dummycrats tried to attack Bush for 8 years.  This is standard procedure, has been since the beginning and won't ever change.  Each side goes after the other.


"So he brandished a gun, never shot anyone or anything right?"  --TeeDub, 17 Feb 2018.

I don’t share my thoughts because I think it will change the minds of people who think differently.  I share my thoughts to show the people who already think like me that they are not alone.
Recovering Republican
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« Reply #113 on: April 27, 2011, 10:21:25 pm »

After a while, ya gotta wonder if there ain't something to it.  But then, the same thing went on with Billy Bob for his entire term.

And Limbaugh/Hannity wonder why the Dummycrats tried to attack Bush for 8 years.  This is standard procedure, has been since the beginning and won't ever change.  Each side goes after the other.

At least as far back as Watergate and Iran/Contra.  I don't know about the GOP trying to dirty-up Kennedy or Johnson.  The only one interested in tanking the Kennedy's was Hoover and that was a whole power struggle issue with RFK.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #114 on: April 27, 2011, 10:28:41 pm »

Nixon went after Kennedy very hard.  And Kennedy did the same. 

This goes back to early 1800's.  I think Washington and John Adams were the only two that got a "pass".  After that, it was off to the races with some of the nastiest campaigning ever - much worse than today.  We got a long history/tradition of being nasty during elections.  And between.

Got ugly in 1796.  (I don't know much about the election, but apparently, it too was ugly)



"So he brandished a gun, never shot anyone or anything right?"  --TeeDub, 17 Feb 2018.

I don’t share my thoughts because I think it will change the minds of people who think differently.  I share my thoughts to show the people who already think like me that they are not alone.
dbacks fan
« Reply #115 on: April 27, 2011, 10:48:31 pm »

You know what, I'm so tired of this "smile" it's become the latest 9/11, twin towers, Murrah, Waco, Carter rabbit, Hinckley, Squeaky Fromm, Sir Hahn, Oswald-Ruby-Kennedy, Areae 51, conspiracy therory, that to me it's just stupid. So when are people going to include John Lenon, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Keith Moon, Kurt Cobain, the singer from INXS, and the members of The Pretenders since their song Ohio is used by Rush Limbaugh?
we vs us
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« Reply #116 on: April 27, 2011, 10:50:01 pm »

For those who don't think of President Obama as "their President" this is their hanging chad, if you will.  This unveiling will simply deepen a conspiracy for those who can't be convinced otherwise.  Sort of like that Supreme Court Dubya paid for.  And for the total moonbats, they chose to release the certificate this week because Obama's ego wouldn't allow for Prince William's wedding to overshadow anything to do with the most important man on earth.  Wink

I have no idea if 37mm is an accurate figure for those still doubting, but it's been stated over and over that his mother was a U.S. citizen.  If he were born outside the U.S. or a U.S. territory, he would at worst, have dual citizenship assuming the mother wouldn't have renounced her citizenship.  I've got several friends born overseas to at least one U.S. citizen who enjoy dual citizenship.  If that little piece of Constitutional logic has whizzed by their temple, perhaps they should be required to take the citizenship exam themselves.

I can sorta see the hanging chad comparison on a superficial level -- both point to questions of legitimacy -- but that's really where it ends.  Bush v. Gore was the nearest thing to a constitutional crisis we've had in generations, while the birther controversy has never been more than a mania solidly outside of legally established fact (it was never gonna get near the Supremes, for instance, while Bush v. Gore HAD to be decided by them).  

And I could very well be off with 37mil but it's still established that slightly less than half of all GOPers are birthers to one degree or another, and that's def. in the double digit millions.  IMO it's a genuine problem one way or the other.  Either double digit millions are ignorant of our citizenship requirements or they firmly believe the facts are lying to them and it's a conspiracy.  
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #117 on: April 27, 2011, 11:00:06 pm »

Some unknown college history professor and an innocuous Miami Herald columnist say it's so, therefore it must be.  Imagine that, two men channelling the supposed psyche o
If you'd open your eyes, you'd see that there's quite a bit of latent and overt racism amongst Tea Partiers, and especially amongst the birther subset. The present version of the Wikipedia page on the Tea Party has a section describing a few of the various incidents.

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration" --Abraham Lincoln
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Put the "fun" back into dysfunctional, Tulsa!

« Reply #118 on: April 27, 2011, 11:03:51 pm »

After a while, ya gotta wonder if there ain't something to it.  But then, the same thing went on with Billy Bob for his entire term.

And Limbaugh/Hannity wonder why the Dummycrats tried to attack Bush for 8 years.  This is standard procedure, has been since the beginning and won't ever change.  Each side goes after the other.

It got nasty under Clinton....going after a sitting president like that.

The democrats were justified to go after Bush....he lost had Florida and had America in Iraq.

Conan, to deny this is race baiting and fear mongering politics is to deny you just might be one of them "birthers" racists too. Lips sealed
dbacks fan
« Reply #119 on: April 28, 2011, 02:23:37 am »

It got nasty under Clinton....going after a sitting president like that.

The democrats were justified to go after Bush....he lost had Florida and had America in Iraq.

Conan, to deny this is race baiting and fear mongering politics is to deny you just might be one of them "birthers" racists too. Lips sealed

It was nasty before Clinton. Are you too blind to remember or too stupid? And I'm so tired of the race baiting card, for me that went away when MLK was alive. I was in Tulsa Public Schools during the late 60's early 70's as a student and I had no predjudice as to who I went to school with. I'm so tired of that racial issue crap.
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