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Downtown Districts

Started by SXSW, December 20, 2006, 02:55:18 AM

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Regarding a previous thread about how a comprehensive map of the different "districts" downtown isn't used effectively (or doesn't exist), I created one of my own.  I simply Photoshopped the district outlines over a GoogleEarth image of downtown and surrounding areas.  Please feel free to advise me on the outlines of the districts, or let me know which ones I left out.  




We may have to think of something else...


Looks good! A few quibbles:

You neglected the area north of the arena district that AJ has referred to as "The Clink"

Tracy Park should be delineated on the south end of the Pearl District from 11th to the IDL

Brady Heights abuts the Highway and straddles Denver, it's too far east in your picture and engulfs the college district.

Your NoBo district includes Gunboat which could be an alternative name, and I prefer Cathedral Square to the "Church" district (werd to the Artist)

Riverview actually includes SOBO and Uptown, but I prefer the way you've mapped it.


Change the Church district into Cathedral Square, sounds more impressive and catchy.

Perhaps Mayo district instead of arena or split that area?

Isn't NoBo already called Gunboat Park?

I like the Uptown designation.
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


he he... I'd forgotten all about The Clink. [:D]

My map from a few months ago


Mayo District is bounded by Denver, Boston, 3rd to 7th.


See page 30 of the following .pdf to see the downtown districts designated in the plan recently approved by the Planning Commission (pending City Council approval):

Downtown Plan (p.30)


Originally posted by Kiah

See page 30 of the following .pdf to see the downtown districts designated in the plan recently approved by the Planning Commission (pending City Council approval):

Downtown Plan (p.30)

Thanks for that info.  But have them change the River Overlook to Riverview. I know you can make it happen. [:)]

Speaking of the city naming things.  With the Pearl District, they hit it right on.  But the Central Center, where I will be doing a bad.  People ask where I am doing the mural, I say at the Central Center, they have no idea where that is or what it is, and when you say it, it doesn't sound good and it sounds redundant.  When you tell them its the Central Center at Centennial Park, well, all I can say is yuck. [xx(]
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


I had forgotten about Mayo Place, what is the status on that project anyway?  That would effectively split up the "arena" district.  And I will change NoBo to Gunboat Park even though I bet that name (I heard a TCC Metro student use it) will catch on eventually as TCC expands and (hopefully) more student-oriented housing is built in that area along Boston and Cincinnati south of 8th Street.  And yes Cathedral Square sounds much better, especially if an actual Cathedral Square (TheArtist's proposal) was the centerpiece.  And wouldn't OSU-Tulsa be a part of Brady Heights?  A lot of that was once part of the neighborhood before urban renewal...


^Fair enough on Brady Heights and OSU, but at least move the western leg more to the west to encompass Denver.


I believe DTU master plan refers to the CBD/Mayo District as the "Deco District"