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River Parks Bike Program

Started by MichaelC, March 09, 2007, 12:41:56 PM

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From Tulsa World

This spring an army of 75 bright pink bicycles -- Tulsa Townies -- will invade River Parks

The 35-pound, single-geared bikes will be available to anyone who wants to pedal around town.

"What we're trying to do is promote healthy lifestyles," said Chris Zenthoefer, a local cycling advocate working with program sponsor St. Francis Health System.

"Tulsa is ranked in the five fattest cities. This is a start in eliminating the barriers to getting activity on River Parks," said Zenthoefer.

The River Parks Authority approved the Tulsa Townies program Thursday. Authority member John-Kelly Warren, whose family has had a long leadership role with St. Francis, recused himself from the vote.

Zenthoefer said the program's goal is to build Tulsa's image as a bike-friendly city.

"Bike-friendly cities are considered to be more progressive and more vibrant cities," he said.

The bikes should hit the park in the next few months, organizers said.

Warren said if the program proves successful, it will expand throughout the city.

The program's bicycle racking system is unique.

It uses solar energy and a high-tech card-swipe mechanism that releases the bike from a racking system, the authority was told.

The Tulsa Townies
program would set up three bicycle stations along River Parks where people will be able to pick up and drop off bikes.

The bikes are free to all users, but a credit card initially will be needed to open the release mechanism. Each bicycle is equipped with a high-tech chip that identifies the bike when it is released and when it is returned.

"So you walk up to a junction box, swipe your credit card and it releases the bike to you. It doesn't charge anything unless you don't ever return the bike," Zenthoefer said.

Riders are responsible for the bike while having it. If a bike is stolen or not returned, the rider's credit card will be charged $100.

The William Warren Medical Foundation will fund a weekly maintenance program and have a fleet of extra bikes to replace those that are stolen or vandalized.

Malcolm McCullam, another cyclist involved in the program, said what the program is about is "affecting culture."

"If that is what the objective is, our conclusion was that you have to get these bikes out in the most visible areas where the most potential users are to launch the program," he said.

The bikes are colored pink to honor St. Francis Health System and to help prevent theft, Zenthoefer said.

Authority Chairman Robert E. Lorton III said the program will be an enhancement to the park and the city.

"We do have a huge image issue, and this goes a long way in improving that," he said.

Lorton is the publisher of the Tulsa World.


That's great! it's sad to see that so many Tulsans are fat when Tulsa has such a great jogging trail at RiverSide. The jogging trail is super you can run all you want and not have to worry about cars and trucks hitting you. I'm a hardcore runner. I have rode bikes on the trails, but I like running on the trail much better. Maybe some of those bike riders will catch the running bug and invest in a set of jogging shoes and good health.[:)]
Proud Global  Warming Deiner! Earth Is Getting Colder NOT Warmer!


This is a GREAT idea!  Would make it so that you don't have to haul your bike to the river parks area if you don't live near it. Hopefully this will expand to more than the 3 initial stations and to other parts of the city.  I would like to suggest that when you swipe your credit card (hopefully this will include debit cards for I don't use credit cards, I have determined that I am not financially responsible enough to have one[:P]) you can push a "Would you like to donate 1 dollar to help fund and expand this biking program ?" button. I would do that no problem.
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h



Somebody put on that song by Queen that mentions bycicles...?


The bikes are colored pink to honor St. Francis Health System

Maybe this will be the ticket in getting St. Francis to paint their hospital a different color. [xx(]

This is a wonderful idea however and hopefully it will bring support to our river projects. [;)]


Originally posted by Rico


Somebody put on that song by Queen that mentions bycicles...?

You are just saying that so you can see their music video with all the naked women cycling about. [^]


This is arguably one of the best things that will happen in Tulsa in the coming months.  I am absolutely thrilled with the implementation of this idea.

How long can one check the bike out at any given time?  

I can't wait to see these bikes all over the river.  This could bring more users (and bikes) to the rivertrail which will really necessitate the planned trail widening.

I hope to see these bikes eventually move onto the City streets around Brookside/Cherry St./Jenks.

This program could add alot to bike awareness in the City.  Maybe the first step to a more bike friendly city.  I know that there is a bike shop planned on Cherry St. in the space next to the Coffee House on Cherry St.  The owner of the Coffee House is planning on bike racks up along the patio and would definitely be interested in hosting a City rack check-out center.

Would love to see the City in addition to the RiverParks Authority jump on back of this program and promote it with capital investments connecting the trail with neighborhoods on streets.      

Of course, I'm getting way ahead of myself.  Maybe I'll start off by hoping that it's successful on the River first.

Ed W

I talked with Patrick Fox yesterday.  He's the Bicycle and Pedestrian Planner at INCOG.  He said that the pink bike program is very exciting and it's only the beginning.  Eventually, the project will expand to other areas.

Also, FEMA approved the bridge linking the Creek Turnpike trail east into Broken Arrow.  I'm sorry that I can't be more specific, but I'm not familiar with that area.  The next step is soliciting bids.

Finally, INCOG has a map page that shows the existing trails and on-street connectors at:


May you live in interesting times.


Originally posted by si_uk_lon_ok

Originally posted by Rico


Somebody put on that song by Queen that mentions bycicles...?

You are just saying that so you can see their music video with all the naked women cycling about. [^]

Senor... You mean there are going to be naked women riding these PINK bicycles.....?

OH, I think I am going to enjoy this Earth friendly, Urban, environment...!


Originally posted by Rico

Originally posted by si_uk_lon_ok

Originally posted by Rico


Somebody put on that song by Queen that mentions bycicles...?

You are just saying that so you can see their music video with all the naked women cycling about. [^]

Senor... You mean there are going to be naked women riding these PINK bicycles.....?

OH, I think I am going to enjoy this Earth friendly, Urban, environment...!

We will all have to adapt to global warming.


This sounds like a great idea!


I'm afraid St. Francis isnt painted pink.  Its pink marble.  The whole thing.  And they bought enough from the quarry for future expansion so they will match.

Blame Mrs. Warren. Seriously, its her idea.

Anyway, hopefully the incorporate TU, the fairgrounds, Cherry Street, Downtown, Brookside, and the River Parks into a 'bike zone' of some kind.  They are all within biking distance of each other.

While we are talking about it, does anyone know how the bike racks on the front of the buses work?  They scare me.  It looks like they just plop in there but how would they secure?   I have this image of me standing in front of a bus screwing with it and taking too long as people glare at me for being an idiot and then the bus running over my bike just the same.  Sad, sad little man am I.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

I'm afraid St. Francis isnt painted pink.  Its pink marble.  The whole thing.  And they bought enough from the quarry for future expansion so they will match.

Blame Mrs. Warren. Seriously, its her idea.

Anyway, hopefully the incorporate TU, the fairgrounds, Cherry Street, Downtown, Brookside, and the River Parks into a 'bike zone' of some kind.  They are all within biking distance of each other.

While we are talking about it, does anyone know how the bike racks on the front of the buses work?  They scare me.  It looks like they just plop in there but how would they secure?   I have this image of me standing in front of a bus screwing with it and taking too long as people glare at me for being an idiot and then the bus running over my bike just the same.  Sad, sad little man am I.

Bus Bike Racks

Personally I think lots of bike racks all over the city would be a good idea so you can cycle to the bus and leave your bike somewhere. I can imagine that the bike will slow down the buses.

Ed W

Originally posted by cannon_fodder

While we are talking about it, does anyone know how the bike racks on the front of the buses work?  They scare me.  It looks like they just plop in there but how would they secure?

Tulsa Transit has a page showing how to load a bicycle:

PT had a story of a woman trying to steal his bike from the front of a bus - but it wasn't here in Tulsa.  There's no way to lock the bike to the rack, but it's possible to secure a wheel so it can't be ridden easily.

May you live in interesting times.