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City Hall Consolidation (purchase of One Technolog

Started by rbryant, June 12, 2007, 06:59:07 PM

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They did the right thing by adding the amendment requiring the third-party lease.  That assuages some of my concerns, though the haste with which some of the big issues (this and FG annexation) have been tackled and the last minute wrangling are testing my confidence in the admin.

I sincerely hope that every scenario of doom I've predicted about this administration is wrong and we are looking back in 2.5 years saying, "what a great job".  Only time will tell.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


I sincerely hope this is a positive development for Tulsa.


I don't agree with Double A, but I think he made good arguments last night.

Double A

Originally posted by sgrizzle

I don't agree with Double A, but I think he made good arguments last night.

Aw, you've got me blushing over here. Thanks, you are too kind. You know since this thing is going to happen, my hope is that we could find another government entity to move into the lease space at One Tech, er I mean, City Hall. I think moving the library would be an excellent use of the space, and it would free up more room for development on the civic center plaza. I wish da Mare and council would have considered this opportunity as part of the move. It would still bother me, but I wouldn't have the hellfire heartburn I've got today over it. I really do hope for Tulsa's sake that this house of cards doesn't fall down.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


Central library and the post office will probably not be far behind. I predict that once 2025 actually comes, the area south of the arena will be 100% different than now.

Double A

Originally posted by sgrizzle

Central library and the post office will probably not be far behind. I predict that once 2025 actually comes, the area south of the arena will be 100% different than now.

A public entity in that space would go a long way towards taming the ulcer growing in my belly over this deal.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


Originally posted by tulsabug

Originally posted by Double A

The sorry state and poor design of One Tech is well known, lest we forget that the curtain wall and roof of this new state of the art building have already failed.

As someone who has worked in OTC since it was built, I agree with the others on here who say that OTC is in excellent shape and there is no poor design. Roofs fail and new buildings always have problems - that's why they're warrantied (and these are long warranties - not some sort of 5 year deal). Even the curtain wall failure was covered which was, in all honestly, more of a fluke than anything. The curtain wall is pretty much self-supporting with only a few guides really holding it to the building. Inside the building, you can go to the top floor, look over the railing, and it's a straight unobstructed drop to the solar well on the 4th floor. As ugly as it can be on the outside, I will say the architecture inside is absolutely stunning and the quality of materials used on this building are totally top-drawer. I have mixed feelings about the city moving in but hopefully it'll all work out for the best in the end. It's certainly a better choice that any other building downtown and the price is an absolute steal (this place cost a heckuva lot more to build than $52m - more than even the official numbers might be saying).

Let's see how it looks after the City defers 10-15 years of maintenance.


A month ago this was reported as a done deal.  We only had to put a little smell to the roses to where the councilors couldn't react fast enough to sign on.  They were campaigned two days prior to the vote.  [ so is reported in today's paper]  Could it be that they now have money to finance a rerun for the council seat?

My question is when you have visiting dignitaries' does one parade then through the workers offices or wine and dine them at such a place that is appropriate to entertain them?   Or stand on the sidewalk [ if there is room] and rubberneck at what a wonderful glass building we have?

In dry weather when we have the rain showers with the dust mixed in like falls as mud on your windshields will the same happen on the glass of the glass tower?   But course we have the fire trucks with the hoses and extended ladders that can be used as window washers.

One would believe that the people's representatives failed to remember who they represented.
Today we stand in ecstasy and view that we build today'
Tomorrow we will enter into the plea to have it torn away.


Today we stand in ecstasy and view that we build today'
Tomorrow we will enter into the plea to have it torn away.

Double A

After a little more thought, I've decided to scratch the idea for the library in the unused space at One Tech. An ICE office would be a much better use of that space, that is if the building would meet security guidelines for federal offices.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!

Oil Capital

Originally posted by Markk

Originally posted by tulsabug

Originally posted by Double A

The sorry state and poor design of One Tech is well known, lest we forget that the curtain wall and roof of this new state of the art building have already failed.

As someone who has worked in OTC since it was built, I agree with the others on here who say that OTC is in excellent shape and there is no poor design. Roofs fail and new buildings always have problems - that's why they're warrantied (and these are long warranties - not some sort of 5 year deal). Even the curtain wall failure was covered which was, in all honestly, more of a fluke than anything. The curtain wall is pretty much self-supporting with only a few guides really holding it to the building. Inside the building, you can go to the top floor, look over the railing, and it's a straight unobstructed drop to the solar well on the 4th floor. As ugly as it can be on the outside, I will say the architecture inside is absolutely stunning and the quality of materials used on this building are totally top-drawer. I have mixed feelings about the city moving in but hopefully it'll all work out for the best in the end. It's certainly a better choice that any other building downtown and the price is an absolute steal (this place cost a heckuva lot more to build than $52m - more than even the official numbers might be saying).

Let's see how it looks after the City defers 10-15 years of maintenance.

That is exactly right.

Double A

Right now they are replacing the windows in the BOK Building next door to One Tech. I wonder if our forward thinking Councilors made the assurances that when the time comes for this maintenance on One Tech the money will be there for the benefit of the future councils who they were so concerned about saddling with the same kind of decision they faced to make the necessary repairs instead of deferring maintenance. Were these assurances made? Did it even occur to them to consider this? Who knows?
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


I seem to recall them mentioning several times that funds would be set aside for maintenance on the new building.

Whether that happens or not, I can't say.

Double A

Is the third party responsible for the maintenance on the leased space or the city?
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


I haven't heard anything about that.....I would assume the City would be, but I don't know.