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Author Topic: Dream Me! Free Dream Analysis  (Read 5859 times)
truth teller
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« on: September 27, 2007, 12:27:12 pm »

I have read a couple chapters of a book on dream analysis and found the coolest bunch of websites.

I am now an expert on dreams.

Tell me details of your dream (as many as possible) and I will interpret what the dream is trying to say to you.

All interpretations and dream analysis are intended for amusement only and are not subject to any local laws nor should be solely used as advice. TulsaNow is not responsible for any comments on this thread. Reproductions or commentary of any dream or dream analysis are prohibited without the expressed written consent of this poster and Monday Night Football.  

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« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 12:30:41 pm »

Blue water in the Kaiser river?Huh??
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2007, 12:42:19 pm »

I had a dream that I was driving through town on the bridge from Woodward Park. It had wheels and steering wheel. I can remember clearly. People were laughing and pointing and I just waved and smiled like I was riding on a parade float.

Arnold Schwarchenegger was riding shotgun.
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« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2007, 12:42:49 pm »

Water in a dream is interesting.

Dreaming of clear water is a sign of great good luck and prosperity, a dream of muddy water foretells sadness or sorry for the dreamer through hearing of an illness or death of someone he/she knows well. Dirty water warns of unscrupulous people who would bring you to ruin. All water dreams, other then clear, has a bad omen connected to it and should be studied carefully and taken as a true warning.

The fact that the water is blue is interesting.

If you dream in color, the one outstanding thing that this presages is that you will have increasing security and prosperity in your business affairs.

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« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2007, 12:48:03 pm »

Originally posted by NellieBly

I had a dream that I was driving through town on the bridge from Woodward Park. It had wheels and steering wheel. I can remember clearly. People were laughing and pointing and I just waved and smiled like I was riding on a parade float.

Arnold Schwarchenegger was riding shotgun.

Crossing a brightly lit bridge, and the bridge itself in good repair, with no difficulty, signifies a change in circumstances with a lot of prosperity heading your way. You should make no changes in your life, or your lifestyle, for the time being if the bridge had any kind of defects.

If you dream that you are driving a vehicle it is a sign that you should be careful to take no chances with your money, such as gambling, in the next two weeks or so. If someone else is doing the driving you will find yourself in luck, money wise.

Arnold Swarzennegger...that is odd. In general terms, the other people in the dream are really you. The fact that he was just riding shotgun is puzzling. Go home and dream this again and give me more details.

Power is nothing till you use it.
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2007, 02:07:48 pm »

I'll bite. I often have dreams of flying. Sometimes piloting commercial airlines, sometimes small jets. But the dream that I felt the strongest was sitting in a small device of my own construction that flew when I flexed my abdominal muscles! The harder I flexed the higher it flew as I weaved around telephone lines, tree tops and the neighborhood. It was great fun and I had the strange feeling once I woke up that it had really happened.

Tell me doc, do I need more effexor?
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« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2007, 03:11:51 pm »

Originally posted by waterboy

I'll bite. I often have dreams of flying. Sometimes piloting commercial airlines, sometimes small jets. But the dream that I felt the strongest was sitting in a small device of my own construction that flew when I flexed my abdominal muscles! The harder I flexed the higher it flew as I weaved around telephone lines, tree tops and the neighborhood. It was great fun and I had the strange feeling once I woke up that it had really happened.

Tell me doc, do I need more effexor?

Flying dreams are normally a good omen and if the flight is pleasant, with no worries and anxieties, you can look for happiness and plenty to follow. The true definition is found in identifing the type of plane and your personal feeling of aircraft. If you fear air travel, dreaming of being on a passenger jet in flight is likely to be an expression of fear involved with some sort of travel. However if you LIKE to fly then this could also mean happiness. And it can also indicate a desire to rise above it all, an escape.


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« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2007, 04:27:56 pm »

I use to think I was the only one that had this dream, but I realize now it is very common.  I am back in college.  Its the end of the semester, and I realize I completely forgot about a class.  Never went to any lectures, never read.  Too late to drop the class.  Either its the night before the exam, and I am looking at an enormous book that I must read, or I'm in class and the professor is passing out the exam.  Either way, I have a strong feeling that I'm up a creek.

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« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2007, 05:53:11 pm »

Sometimes I have the most vivid and detailed dreams. I remember this one in particular though because it seemed so neat. I was really caught up in it, but after I awoke I couldnt remember everything.

A war torn city at dusk. The city looked like what you would imagine late 1800s early 1900s London to be like, but it was covered in a glass and ornate iron dome and had many tall buildings. The buildings and streets had been cleaned up but where the tops of some buildings had been blown away or there were gashes in the sides, they were left that way for the dome now protected everything and controlled the temperature.  Two of the taller buildings nearby had been similarly torn apart. You could see right inside the top and side of one into what looked like a cozy victorian living room. One of the outside walls was almost completely missing with jagged bricks, and had no ceiling, yet the room with with its old timey furniture was neatly set and tidy. A gas lamp gently flickered on a small table, its golden glow contrasting with the deep blue twilight and a dark burgundy carpet covered with a pattern of large flowers. Against one wall the pendulum of a grandfather clock studiously swayed. From that room there was a sky bridge having no handrails or sides that went to what appeared to be a library/study in the building nearby. A slender lady in a seafoam blue nightgown was walking quickly across the bridge towards the study.

In the study an older white haired man in a black suit with a vest and white shirt was intensely working away on what appeared to be a rocket. The rocket was about 15 feet long and was also made of an ornate wrought iron. It was like something from the future, but made from the technology of the past. Kind of like the submarine in 2000 Leagues Under The Sea. Through the wrought iron work you could see slowly spinning gears and glass spheres containing different colors of bubbling liquids connected together with coiled glass tubes. The young lady confronted the old man. I dont remember what was said but I do know that she did not want him to fire the rocket. But he kept insisting that he must finish it. It had to be launched, there were people on another world that needed what it was carrying. The old man reached around and pulled a large lever. The liquids in the rocket began to bubble more furiously and an intense light shimmered out from within. High up on the dome, on the other side of the city a large rectangular opening began to slide open. The girl grabbed at the old man and was pleading with him to stop. They both stopped when the sound of a door was heard slamming open in the other building, followed by the sound of loud voices. The old man started to run out across the bridge a tall young man was running towards him. Just then the rocket flared and shot across the city and through the opening. I remember seeing the young man grab the older man and exclaim. "What are you doing? Now they will be able to find us!"  The rocket flew quickly over the landscape. It shot over the silvery thread of a river below, and past another domed city. Then the rocket veered quickly upwards into the clear starry night. Far off along the edge of the horizon a pulsing glow could be seen, the flashes of bombs exploding in a distant war.

Sorry I dont remember much more. Wish I did lol.

"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h
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« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2007, 05:58:45 pm »

Originally posted by pmcalk

I use to think I was the only one that had this dream, but I realize now it is very common.  I am back in college.  Its the end of the semester, and I realize I completely forgot about a class.  Never went to any lectures, never read.  Too late to drop the class.  Either its the night before the exam, and I am looking at an enormous book that I must read, or I'm in class and the professor is passing out the exam.  Either way, I have a strong feeling that I'm up a creek.

If you dream that you keep forgetting something, it is a warning that you may have forgotten something, an appointment or a date, that is important enough to your life to merit the intercession of your subconscious mind. This is serious enough to warrant your immediate attention.

If you dream you are in a school you will soon have the desire to better yourself with a higher education or job training of one kind or the other. To dream you are attending college shows that your desire for education will set you apart from the rest and denotes that you will have a successful life.

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« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2007, 06:15:11 pm »

Originally posted by TheArtist

Sometimes I have the most vivid and detailed dreams. I remember this one in particular though because it seemed so neat. I was really caught up in it, but after I awoke I couldnt remember everything.

A war torn city at dusk. The city looked like what you would imagine late 1800s early 1900s London to be like, but it was covered in a glass and ornate iron dome and had many tall buildings. The buildings and streets had been cleaned up but where the tops of some buildings had been blown away or there were gashes in the sides, they were left that way for the dome now protected everything and controlled the temperature.  Two of the taller buildings nearby had been similarly torn apart. You could see right inside the top and side of one into what looked like a cozy victorian living room. One of the outside walls was almost completely missing with jagged bricks, and had no ceiling, yet the room with with its old timey furniture was neatly set and tidy. A gas lamp gently flickered on a small table, its golden glow contrasting with the deep blue twilight and a dark burgundy carpet covered with a pattern of large flowers. Against one wall the pendulum of a grandfather clock studiously swayed. From that room there was a sky bridge having no handrails or sides that went to what appeared to be a library/study in the building nearby. A slender lady in a seafoam blue nightgown was walking quickly across the bridge towards the study.

In the study an older white haired man in a black suit with a vest and white shirt was intensely working away on what appeared to be a rocket. The rocket was about 15 feet long and was also made of an ornate wrought iron. It was like something from the future, but made from the technology of the past. Kind of like the submarine in 2000 Leagues Under The Sea. Through the wrought iron work you could see slowly spinning gears and glass spheres containing different colors of bubbling liquids connected together with coiled glass tubes. The young lady confronted the old man. I dont remember what was said but I do know that she did not want him to fire the rocket. But he kept insisting that he must finish it. It had to be launched, there were people on another world that needed what it was carrying. The old man reached around and pulled a large lever. The liquids in the rocket began to bubble more furiously and an intense light shimmered out from within. High up on the dome, on the other side of the city a large rectangular opening began to slide open. The girl grabbed at the old man and was pleading with him to stop. They both stopped when the sound of a door was heard slamming open in the other building, followed by the sound of loud voices. The old man started to run out across the bridge a tall young man was running towards him. Just then the rocket flared and shot across the city and through the opening. I remember seeing the young man grab the older man and exclaim. "What are you doing? Now they will be able to find us!"  The rocket flew quickly over the landscape. It shot over the silvery thread of a river below, and past another domed city. Then the rocket veered quickly upwards into the clear starry night. Far off along the edge of the horizon a pulsing glow could be seen, the flashes of bombs exploding in a distant war.

Sorry I dont remember much more. Wish I did lol.

Wow...where do I begin...

If the buildings you dream of are stately and majestic you could have too much ceremony in your life and not enough everyday good people attitudes. If the buildings are beautiful with lots of green lawn around them then are you destined for a life of plenty. Should the buildings be dilapidated and in ruins then this will show that you will have business or love problems with the likelihood of loss very high.

To dream of hearing a racket means you will be deprived of a special pleasure that you had been anticipating.

The clock can mean many things. If time is of the essence and you are rushed or late this could be a warning not to be caught late for an important appointment. This could also be a fear dream pointing at the fact that you have a real life appointment and you have a fear of oversleeping, in this case the dream is only mirroring your fear.

You are probably the old man and working hard is probably how you see yourself. If you are wearing a costume this could indicate that you are trying to hide your true self, or your inner feelings behind a facade of duplicity; you may not be wholly honest with a loved one and have a fear of being found out.

You are also the woman in your dream and you are pleading with the old man to stop some behavior that you know is destructive to you. In essence you are having an argument with yourself and you need to have this resolved.

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« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2007, 08:10:28 pm »

I have the most distribing dream, every month or so for the last few years.

I dream we are being attacked here in the United States, not just a World Trade type deal, but like all out war.  They (whoever they are) are bombing us and military people are walking the street.  I'm assuming its just a natural fear with all that goes on, but maybe there is something more?  Its so very real.  The last time I was in Colorado Springs (never been there) and they were bombing Denver.  I kept wondering why my friend's husband (military) isn't doing anything to stop it.  It's always him I think should be able to stop it.  

Anyway, I always have crazy dreams, bet now that I have read this tread, I'll have a doozy for you tomorrow.  I wish I had the time to figure out what some of them have meant.  I always thought it was an interesting hobby.  Thanks for letting us use you!

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« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2007, 08:20:13 pm »

Originally posted by tulsa_fan

I have the most distribing dream, every month or so for the last few years.

I dream we are being attacked here in the United States, not just a World Trade type deal, but like all out war.  They (whoever they are) are bombing us and military people are walking the street.  I'm assuming its just a natural fear with all that goes on, but maybe there is something more?  Its so very real.  The last time I was in Colorado Springs (never been there) and they were bombing Denver.  I kept wondering why my friend's husband (military) isn't doing anything to stop it.  It's always him I think should be able to stop it.  

Anyway, I always have crazy dreams, bet now that I have read this tread, I'll have a doozy for you tomorrow.  I wish I had the time to figure out what some of them have meant.  I always thought it was an interesting hobby.  Thanks for letting us use you!

To dream of a war, signifies disorder and chaos in your personal affairs. You also may be experiencing some internal conflict or emotional struggle. You are feeling torn between aspects of yourself. Perhaps the dream may indicate that you are being overly aggressive.

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« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2007, 08:50:58 pm »

That's funny, check out my reply to Police Misconduct 2!  Ha, overly agreessive.  

Anyway, I like the other stuff and its probably right now.  

Thanks, I'll see what I can dream up for you tonight!

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« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2007, 09:07:37 pm »

Originally posted by recyclemichael

Originally posted by pmcalk

I use to think I was the only one that had this dream, but I realize now it is very common.  I am back in college.  Its the end of the semester, and I realize I completely forgot about a class.  Never went to any lectures, never read.  Too late to drop the class.  Either its the night before the exam, and I am looking at an enormous book that I must read, or I'm in class and the professor is passing out the exam.  Either way, I have a strong feeling that I'm up a creek.

If you dream that you keep forgetting something, it is a warning that you may have forgotten something, an appointment or a date, that is important enough to your life to merit the intercession of your subconscious mind. This is serious enough to warrant your immediate attention.

If you dream you are in a school you will soon have the desire to better yourself with a higher education or job training of one kind or the other. To dream you are attending college shows that your desire for education will set you apart from the rest and denotes that you will have a successful life.

I presume that successful life is conditioned upon me remembering to go to class.

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