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First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?

Started by shadows, October 03, 2007, 02:02:14 PM

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Shadows hates city employees so much he tries to attack them in any thread.

His writing has reached a new low.
Power is nothing till you use it.


My favorite part is that HE started a thread about ORU and we had to guess what it was about because he tries to be clever and no one understands him.  I've tried to be nice, I've told him his writing may seem clever to him but it just so much ramble to everyone else.  He does care, thus, I rarely respond substantively to his random entries.  His forum speaking is as bad as GW's public speaking.
- - -

That said, I largely agree with your comments Conan.  It is common for a University to give its president a home and even a vehicle.  No real complaints there (except for the fact one would want to see a man enriched by god above  such petty desires of the flesh as mansions and Mercedes).  However, the nepotism and family enrichment is what crossed the line for me.  

I really hope this doesn't bring down the University, I know it has had lots of setbacks in the last decade or so but it still is great for Tulsa.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

My favorite part is that HE started a thread about ORU and we had to guess what it was about because he tries to be clever and no one understands him.  I've tried to be nice, I've told him his writing may seem clever to him but it just so much ramble to everyone else.  He does care, thus, I rarely respond substantively to his random entries.  His forum speaking is as bad as GW's public speaking.
- - -

That said, I largely agree with your comments Conan.  It is common for a University to give its president a home and even a vehicle.  No real complaints there (except for the fact one would want to see a man enriched by god above  such petty desires of the flesh as mansions and Mercedes).  However, the nepotism and family enrichment is what crossed the line for me.  

I really hope this doesn't bring down the University, I know it has had lots of setbacks in the last decade or so but it still is great for Tulsa.

Cannon, it never really seems to bring a ministry down permanently.  PTL is the only example I can think of, but I believe the PTL still exists just not with those freaky Bakkers.  By all accounts Swaggart is doing well, Tilton is doing well, and Roberts obviously survived, as I imagine they will this time.

Remember, they preach a religion of forgiveness.  So hey, who are the poor donors to refuse to forgive (and quit giving).  They might get hit by a lightning bolt if they don't forgive. [B)]

The nepotism and rumored salaries for the daughters is another "feh" for me.  Not really unlike other family enterprises or churches.  That's how Richard ascended to the throne at ORU and ORM.

Not really illegal, just disgusts me when they preach to others self-denial, whilst begging for seed faith money from poor folk for a return of "far greater riches".  Yeah, stories like $39K per year spent at Chico's (and that's just one place) for Mrs. Roberts wardrobe is sickening when you think how many people you could feed on that.  Not saying they don't give back, but sure sounds like there's a few mil a year going to their own enrichment which could help out others if they lived a more humble life-style.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


All that money Lindsay spent on clothing either is a scam or she buys a lot of crap for a lot of money.


Originally posted by Townsend

Did somebody say "Tilton"?

I'm crying...Thank you.....


Hah!  I figured you would have seen that one before, Bread....
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


From NewsChannel 8:
ORU President Says He Pays For Family's Personal Expenses
Location: Tulsa
Posted: October 07, 2007 12:08 AM EST

Tulsa (AP) - Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts says in a written statement that he pays for his family's personal expenses each month.

A lawsuit by three former ORU professors alleges that university money was misspent and used to pay personal expenses for the Roberts family.

Roberts' statement says personal expenses are charged to him and he personally pays them on a monthly basis.

The statement was issued following a two-hour meeting of ORU's board of regents' executive committee last night Friday.

It also says the regents have decided to hire an additional independent auditing firm


Yeah I read that.  But it is only part of the puzzle.

What concerned me most was the hiring at gross salaries of his daughters.  $350,000 a year in Tulsa is obscene for all but a select few positions.  

Though I've admittedly lost interest in this story.  Seems there are 4 camps to the issue:

I hate ORU or TV ministries in general.
I Love ORU/ministries in general.
I'm undecided/will never care.
and the small undecided pool.  

My guess is those set are set and the undecided pool is a scant minority.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.



Originally posted by Porky

From NewsChannel 8:
ORU President Says He Pays For Family's Personal Expenses
Location: Tulsa
Posted: October 07, 2007 12:08 AM EST

Tulsa (AP) - Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts says in a written statement that he pays for his family's personal expenses each month.

A lawsuit by three former ORU professors alleges that university money was misspent and used to pay personal expenses for the Roberts family.

Roberts' statement says personal expenses are charged to him and he personally pays them on a monthly basis.

The statement was issued following a two-hour meeting of ORU's board of regents' executive committee last night Friday.

It also says the regents have decided to hire an additional independent auditing firm

I'm deeply moved that Rev. Roberts has cleared the issue of personal expenses up.  His salary from the ministry and university is used to pay his personal expenses.  So basically it goes from one pocket to another.  Okaaaaay.

Pretty much like any other "business" though the lack of humility seems pretty appalling to me.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


The story made ABC Good Morning America today. They did fairly well and gave Brother Roberts his shots. Overall it didn't look good for the University.

Someone tell me if it is true that he keeps his young daughters on salary at $359,000 year!?! Where is the outrage? In my day (yeah, I know...) Students would have walked out and made a pretty big stink.


Originally posted by waterboy

The story made ABC Good Morning America today. They did fairly well and gave Brother Roberts his shots. Overall it didn't look good for the University.

Someone tell me if it is true that he keeps his young daughters on salary at $359,000 year!?! Where is the outrage? In my day (yeah, I know...) Students would have walked out and made a pretty big stink.

I'm just pissed off I'm not one of his daughters.  $350K + salary, free horses, help with my homework, probably a new C-class in the driveway...
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


It was on Larry King Live last night too, a few of my friends have called to say "Hey, I saw those giant hands things on TV.  I guess people are just figuring out he might be wasting money."


Yes, it is true.  The cited source I saw for those salaries was the IRS.  Presumably they are listed as officers at the University or Ministries and as such their salaries are on file.  

And while short of outrage, their has been some student questions.  Last year a group petitioned the University for an expenditure assessment wondering where all their tuition money went and to try and find out of the ministry and the Family subsidized the University or the other way around.  They were politely told that the Roberts family was doing Gods will and if they did not have faith in that they should go to school elsewhere.

Isn't faith a wonderful thing (when abused)?
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Richard has fallen before the old devil in his teen years.  The poster seems to convict the efforts of the father because of the son.  The accusations made on a personal basis are totally without foundation.

Postings that I dislike all city employees show only that the city has taken a personal identity of its own.  In the beginning of forming this type of government the old lamp lighter was an employee of the people now it is considered the city, as a super natural person is set aside from the people.  

The vote yesterday is self-evident the people no longer trust this super person to distribute their money.  Still city employees are taking the attitude that they each are a super person and require salaries up to double those paid the professors of higher education.

In the modern day those who build a church should not be required to live on alms nor live as paupers.  CEO's and city employees are paid on the number of persons they are responsible for but many the leader of the church should beg on the streets for food and clothing. If there is an afterlife then they are trying to lead the way for the people.

There are two kinds of IQ's.  One test can be by one waving a diploma saying "look how intelligent" I am.  The other test can be given on common "horse sense".  Our newest person can be considered in the case of that fellow "Gates"

In the 5 audits I have had with the IRS they were on incidents equal to the ORU audit (the amount of money a heap less) it was quite common to hear "I will allow that".

Seems that many think my post needs to be interpreted while many on my side of the fence could understand my post if I were to interpreted the post being answered.

Let's try that and see if mine are understood better.      
Today we stand in ecstasy and view that we build today'
Tomorrow we will enter into the plea to have it torn away.


Try what?

"understand my post if I were to interpreted the post being answered."

Holy Geebus