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Day of Silence in Tulsa?

Started by mrhaskellok, March 13, 2008, 06:41:32 PM

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This I think is what Kern is concerned about...a nationwide day of silence in our schools to help promote homosexual behavior?  Are we going to have a day of silence to promote straight behavior?  

FYI, I couldn't care less about anyone being a homosexual, but why must everyone acknowledge you in a special way?  I don't really care, nor do I care to stop what I am doing to say, "Hey, glad you are gay!"  It is like us stopping our schools to say, "Hey Russia, glad you are all Russian!"

Just makes me giggle, er eh, laugh.  [;)]


This type of stuff is always the product of those people who have entirely waaaay too much time on their hands.

You should see it here in Britain, it's run Amok.


That doesn't seem to me to be promoting homosexual behavior, but to bring attention to hate crime such as the one carried out against an young boy who was heinously murdered.

I don't care about the gay part of it, but you are misrepresenting what the purpose of the event.


Originally posted by tulsascoot

That doesn't seem to me to be promoting homosexual behavior, but to bring attention to hate crime such as the one carried out against an young boy who was heinously murdered.

I don't care about the gay part of it, but you are misrepresenting what the purpose of the event.

Exactly... This statement, at the top of the webpage, explicitly states the purpose... and it's not 'promoting homosexual behavior'.  To say so is not only a gross misrepresentation of the day, but a lie.  It actually sounds like something Kern would say.

Here's the statement from the website:
The National Day of Silence brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. This year's event will be held in memory of Lawrence King, a California 8th-grader who was shot and killed Feb. 12 by a classmate because of his sexual orientation and gender expression.


Are you kidding me?  I am all for reducing bullying, but it is not a anti-bullying day.  You think they are going to have an Anti-Bulling obesity day?  Of course not, because there is an obvious battle between two religious is traditional Christian, the other is secular.  Listen, I don't want ANYONE, not even a gay girl to get beat up for being who she is, but you are now insulting my intelligence when you say that I am somehow injecting meaning into this event that was not intended.  Come on...I did not just fall off the turnip truck.  If you think there is not an "agenda" then you are very naive.  Agenda's are fine, everyone's got one.  It is like saying that Hillary and her support staff never figured into her race her gender.  Just silly if you can't state the obvious.  
This event is designed by people seeking tolerance of a certain kind of lifestyle.  They are simply being smart about it by addressing one problem at a time.  

Again, I am fine with this, unlike Kern.  Just don't expect me to jump up and down and complain at all the religious people who resist it...cause I see it as a natural predictable response.


If by "tolerance" of a certain lifestyle, you mean "please stop killing people" of a certain lifestyle, then I agree.


This has no place in school, have them gather at the flag pole instead.....

we vs us

Originally posted by mrhaskellok

Are you kidding me?  I am all for reducing bullying, but it is not a anti-bullying day.  You think they are going to have an Anti-Bulling obesity day?  Of course not, because there is an obvious battle between two religious is traditional Christian, the other is secular.  Listen, I don't want ANYONE, not even a gay girl to get beat up for being who she is, but you are now insulting my intelligence when you say that I am somehow injecting meaning into this event that was not intended.  Come on...I did not just fall off the turnip truck.  If you think there is not an "agenda" then you are very naive.  Agenda's are fine, everyone's got one.  It is like saying that Hillary and her support staff never figured into her race her gender.  Just silly if you can't state the obvious.  
This event is designed by people seeking tolerance of a certain kind of lifestyle.  They are simply being smart about it by addressing one problem at a time.  

Again, I am fine with this, unlike Kern.  Just don't expect me to jump up and down and complain at all the religious people who resist it...cause I see it as a natural predictable response.

So:  the gays decided to be gay so that --

they could be beat up and killed for their gayness so that --

they could have organized protests so that --

they can press their agenda?  

Do I have that progression right?


I would rather see effort put into curbing bullying instead of "curbing anti-gay bullying"

Even if you could stop "anti gay bullying" you never eliminated the bullys. It's not like the kids is sitting there going "I'm gonna hate on me some gays today" but he is friends with every other person regardless of race and religion in the school. If you stop them from bullying gays, they will just go after the African Americans, the Jews, or whoever else they can get away with.

In this case, the school was aware of the bullying but did nothing with Larry or his bullys to try and calm it down. The bullys should have been punished severly and Larry should've been warned against provoking people who are prone to violence.

tim huntzinger

And go ahead and tell kids 'do not do this thing' and a certain percentage of kids who are hard-wired bullies, have-no-choice-cuzzen-them-genes meanies, have-a-point-to-prove DNA, Jr. a-holes will most certainly take up the challenge and make it a point to rip on the 'special' kids.

Anti-drug pogroms do not work, abstinence pogroms do not work, why would this effort have any better chance of success?  More brainwashing nonsense.


 I would rather see effort put into curbing bullying instead of "curbing anti-gay bullying"

Exactly my point.

 So: the gays decided to be gay so that
they could be beat up and killed for their gayness so that --
they could have organized protests so that --
they can press their agenda?
Do I have that progression right?

Lol.  ( I am assuming you are joking)  
If not, you are grossly mis-understanding me.  I never claimed foul play, only play.  I simply believe that they are using (like anyone else would want to) a victim or victims to promote tolerance of their ideologies...for the obvious reason of SELF PRESERVATION.  I get it.  No problem with not wanting to get shot for how you do it in the bedroom.  
My point was, and remains that in contrast, the tables have been turned in their favor lately in our schools by allowing these kinds of tolerance activities and not others.  Remember, millions of Jews have died, but I don't recall ever being asked to be quite to remember those who are and have been persecuted for Jewish faith.  And please do not tell me that bullying is a gay problem only.  Jews, Christians, Muslims, Gays, Lesbians, Blacks, Asians, Goths, and even whites are attacked all across our nation by bullies.  IN this case, one of these aforementioned groups decided to use these attacks to promote tolerance of their view points, again a very logical thing to do.  
I simply disagree with schools singling out any one group of people for what I call "tolerance training" (something we need more of).  It just needs to be done in a far more general fashion if you want to be more successful with it.


   The National Day of Silence brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. This year's event will be held in memory of Lawrence King, a California 8th-grader who was shot and killed Feb. 12 by a classmate because of his sexual orientation and gender expression. Hundreds of thousands of students are expected to participate on April 25 so that Lawrence and the countless others who endure anti-LGBT bias will not be forgotten.p

THIS is what she is so afraid of?  Gay people wanting bully's to stop beating up and killing other gay people.  Really?  One would expect every group to want the same thing, what a devious agenda!

Not to mention this is a gay-rights type group.  What do you think they'd advocate for?   And this is the first I've heard of it, you have given this "agenda" more publicity from my perspective than anyone else.  I guess that means their agenda isn't really that great of a threat (neither in it's effectiveness or it's goal).

But lets pretend for a second that the national LGBTA gets a law passed in Oklahoma dictating a moment of silence for the 11 year old that was murdered.  So what?  Why THIS issue, if the kid was killed because he was black, or Hispanic, or Jewish, of Christian would you have a problem with it?

I don't support this drive in any way, I'm ambivalent about it.  Sorry the kid's dead.  People shouldn't kill kids for any reason and I don't think anyone should be picked on for race, religion, origin, language, or sexuality... but I also don't think things like this really matter.  One way or another.

So if this is the proof of the master agenda of the Grand Alliance of Homosexuals then her statements are even more of a joke.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by tim huntzinger

And go ahead and tell kids 'do not do this thing' and a certain percentage of kids who are hard-wired bullies, have-no-choice-cuzzen-them-genes meanies, have-a-point-to-prove DNA, Jr. a-holes will most certainly take up the challenge and make it a point to rip on the 'special' kids.

Anti-drug pogroms do not work, abstinence pogroms do not work, why would this effort have any better chance of success?  More brainwashing nonsense.


Teachers used to be allowed to beat the ___ out of those kids.


Originally posted by MDepr2007

This has no place in school, have them gather at the flag pole instead.....

in this particular context, I don't think poles need to be involved.[}:)]


Originally posted by mrhaskellok

This I think is what Kern is concerned about...a nationwide day of silence in our schools to help promote homosexual behavior?  Are we going to have a day of silence to promote straight behavior?  

FYI, I couldn't care less about anyone being a homosexual, but why must everyone acknowledge you in a special way?  I don't really care, nor do I care to stop what I am doing to say, "Hey, glad you are gay!"  It is like us stopping our schools to say, "Hey Russia, glad you are all Russian!"

Just makes me giggle, er eh, laugh.  [;)]

When you keep equating anti-homosexual behavior with Christianity it makes me believe that your understanding of Christianity stops with the Old Testament (which is actually the Jewish religious book – the Torah).  The Old Testament is full of revenge and hell fire.  It's the New Testament and Christian love that the right wing hate mongers of Oklahoma "don't get."  

Your so-called churches are actually quasi-political organizations and you and your folks have done serious damage to life here in Tulsa.  You've enjoyed some mainstream support until recently but I believe the Republican Party has learned that your support has a price attached to it and they are moving away from you by nominating a moderate.  Your day may have come and gone.

Now, in case you haven't noticed it:  Heterosexuals are the majority group worldwide, and every day is a celebration of Heterosexuality.

Meanwhile, your continued ranting on this subject tells me that you have sexual issues.  Like your inspiration – Ms. Kern.

Why don't you pick on someone your own size?