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Tulsa tax payers to fund Hornets

Started by cannon_fodder, April 15, 2008, 04:01:15 PM

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And it wasn't ok for Broken Arrow residents to not want to pay for Tulsa river development[?]


Originally posted by MDepr2007

And it wasn't ok for Broken Arrow residents to not want to pay for Tulsa river development[?]

A bit different.  First of all, you got to vote on the proposal and voted it down.  Second, you are very closely connected to Tulsa, most Broken Arrow residents are in Tulsa every day.  Third, Parks are a classic government provided commodity for residents to use - not a subsidy for a billion dollar entertainment business.   And finally, that tax was called the River Development Project (or whatever), it probably would have created more than 170 jobs for less than $4,000,000 a year - but we didn't tack it on as a rider to some existing law.

While I understand your point, it is not analogous nor would two wrongs make a right.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


From what I've read, Mayor Cornett has indicated it will be called the 'Oklahoma City' whatevers...

Meh, OKC can kiss my donkey.  They won't be getting ANY of my money unless that sham of a team plays at our new arena at some point.  Plus, not a big fan of basketball anyway, although I may go see Orlando/Houston play just because I was a big enough fan of the Rockets when I lived there in 91-94.


Cornett's taking a huge financial risk by dis'ing the people of Tulsa by calling the team the OkC whatevers. OkC WOULD NOT be getting the team if Tulsa wasn't a 90 minute drive away, and that's for sure. Plus, this fraud they pulled on the rest of the state won't go over very well if they don't just call the team the "Oklahoma whatevers."


As long as I'm on the record for saying this entire thing is a bad idea outside of the whole "Oklahoma has a pro sports team!" thought pattern, then I'm content.

Over/under on this team last more than 8 years in OKC? I'll take the under.


Man, good spot call on the +/- 8 years.  Bennett has money and now a lot of pride on the line.  I'll take over.

3 or 4  years it goes well no matter what, just out of enthusiasm.

After that it depends on team performance and/or what name big names they get to dance out on the court.  If they do well, they can hang on.  If they suck, attendance will slump.

In a large city there are enough die hards to survive a slump, in Oklahoma I worry.  I'll call it over 8 years, the Hornets lasted 14 years in Charlotte (playing well) - I think the team can hold on for 10 in OKC.

[edit]Charlotte has an MSA about the size of OKC and Tulsa together, a little bit larger actually.[/edit]
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.

Friendly Bear

Originally posted by cannon_fodder

Man, good spot call on the +/- 8 years.  Bennett has money and now a lot of pride on the line.  I'll take over.

3 or 4  years it goes well no matter what, just out of enthusiasm.

After that it depends on team performance and/or what name big names they get to dance out on the court.  If they do well, they can hang on.  If they suck, attendance will slump.

In a large city there are enough die hards to survive a slump, in Oklahoma I worry.  I'll call it over 8 years, the Hornets lasted 14 years in Charlotte (playing well) - I think the team can hold on for 10 in OKC.

[edit]Charlotte has an MSA about the size of OKC and Tulsa together, a little bit larger actually.[/edit]

If the Sonics owners end up with a losing team and falling attendance, how long before the Millionaires Club asks the City and State for additional subsidies?


As long as oil prices stay up then there will be adequate corporate funding to keep the team... If oil prices fall then watch out.

Friendly Bear

Originally posted by bokworker

As long as oil prices stay up then there will be adequate corporate funding to keep the team... If oil prices fall then watch out.

The City of Seattle, owner of the Key Arena, has a court hearing in June regarding the remaining TWO years of the Sonics contract to play in the Key Arena.

Unless there's some carrot dangled by Mr. Stern concerning a FUTURE NBA team earmarked for Seattle, then the City has all right to pursue their Scorched-Earth policy against Mssrs. Bennett et al.

Of course Tulsa has the eponymous BOK Arena with NO ONE committed to play even ONE basketball game in it.  Even the NCAA Regional Basketball tournaments have all been vacumned up by K.C. and Dallas until after 2012.

Build it and they may NOT come?

We get to heat it, cool it, clean it, and guard it even if it's not used.

At least it won't wear out as fast.  Slim benefit, there.....



I bet Bennett et al corporate welfarers will end up paying that lease off. Heck, with oil at $120 they will pay up with barely a dent. Not to mention all the SuperDuper Sonic ads they pay themselves with at the Daily Dissapointment.


Originally posted by FOTD

I bet Bennett et al corporate welfarers will end up paying that lease off. Heck, with oil at $120 they will pay up with barely a dent. Not to mention all the SuperDuper Sonic ads they pay themselves with at the Daily Dissapointment.

They have already offered to pay the lease.  Seattle wants more.  But your basic thesis is right--I have a feeling they are going to end up paying Seattle off for much more than the lease is worth.

And they can afford it.

Thanks in part to us.


Hi everyone.  I've been a reader of the board off and on and find everyone's points very interesting.

Thought I'd use this opportunity for my first post and show you what popped up today in one of my automatic news delivery searches...

It's a shame that I have to read about this on a Seattle News website but I've come to understand that the Tulsa Whirled would either not print or attempt to bury or spin a story as damning to Queen Taylor as this.

She's not only not going to try to fight for us on the issue of the team naming or keeping our tax dollars local; she's apparantly 100% on board with selling us down the river (or turnpike as it happens to be).


Originally posted by DamTulsa

She's not only not going to try to fight for us on the issue of the team naming or keeping our tax dollars local; she's apparantly 100% on board with selling us down the river (or turnpike as it happens to be).

I didn't see anything in there about her supporting any use of the "quality jobs program" for the team. Just her support of the team, and understanding about the name choice.


Originally posted by DamTulsa

Hi everyone.  I've been a reader of the board off and on and find everyone's points very interesting.

Thought I'd use this opportunity for my first post and show you what popped up today in one of my automatic news delivery searches...

It's a shame that I have to read about this on a Seattle News website but I've come to understand that the Tulsa Whirled would either not print or attempt to bury or spin a story as damning to Queen Taylor as this.

She's not only not going to try to fight for us on the issue of the team naming or keeping our tax dollars local; she's apparantly 100% on board with selling us down the river (or turnpike as it happens to be).



the oklahoma city whats? who cares, not my team, it's an oklahoma city team... since they took my 4 mill a year and can't see the value in an "oklahoma" name... they can have it.. without any support from me... not that i matter, just my choice...

i'm jaded though... this, in a nutshell is how i feel about all of pro b-ball...
my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times, you don't even run down court. And that you don't really try... except during the playoffs.

"It costs a fortune to look this trashy..."
"Don't believe in riches but you should see where I live..."